2. The Work in the Vineyard.


Prune it 's a delicate work of the vineyard. It means to cut the branches.


It is a liquid to eliminate parasites and diseases. is to spread the liquid into the vineyard with a machine.

The grapes harevest.

Grape harvest approximately late sumer or early fall. It is the most anticipated moment. It can be harvested by hand or by machine.

Planting and grafting

You take a piece of american vine and cut it in the middle. A common stock is taken, another cut is made and they are joined and tied with a piece of cloth. This procedure is performed to prevent phylloxera.

To pull vines

When the vines are old we pull them out and we plant new ones


Present day: Electronics, more litle, more chemical products, makes with iron and plastic...

Past: Manuals, bigger, less chemical products, made with iron and wood....


To pass the tractor on the vineyard and stir in the nutriens remoure els nutrients