SITE Winter Institute: 2020

"I love the connections we get to make with each other and the space to question our pedagogical habits and blind spots. It's been a true education. SITE is helping me grow!" --Winter SITE participant

  • For our first Winter Institute, we welcomed CSUDH's Dr. Mara Lee Grayson and members from her FLC to present their research on race rhetorics, antiracist composition pedagogy, and racial literacy in teacher education.
  • Dr. Grayson was our keynote speaker, which was followed by a presentation by her colleague Amanda Reyes.
  • In the afternoon, SITE participants had the opportunity to choose from four different workshops conducted by current SITE FLCs.
  • Photos and descriptions below offer just a glimpse of the enriching experience one can gain at a SITE Institute!

Starting with the Self: Critical Self-Inquiry Toward Racial Literacy

By Dr. Mara Lee Grayson

From Theory to Practice

By Amanda Reyes

Equity-Minded Hiring

with Jane Sandor and Jamie Phear

This workshop presents the data and recommendations from the USC Race and Equity Center's recent webinar "Hiring a Diverse Faculty" given by Dr. Shaun Harper and Dr. Estela Mara Bensimon.

Safe Spaces & Brave Spaces

with Chris Glover

The phrase "safe space" is overused to the point of cliche. How do we ensure that our students feel comfortable not just sharing but also collaborating and thriving in an polyglot, multicultural environment? What norms can teachers establish that will allow students to feel 'brave' and take intellectual risks in the classroom?

Turning Your Ideas into Deliverables

with Chris Page and Anna Mavromati

This workshop shares strategies for creating resources for new and veteran teachers, students, administrators, and counselors that aim to help all educators manage expectations, improve student engagement, and help everyone with the transition to a more equity-minded approach to education. Focuses on creating short videos, email blasts, and digital handbooks and provides general goals and guidelines that help in the process.

Interactive Videos for More Equitable Classrooms

with Anya Zinoveva and Moses Wolfenstein

The workshop provides examples of how to integrate interactive videos in the teaching curriculum bases on the discipline. It discusses the benefits of interactive videos for student engagement and retention, and how the interactive videos support equitable teaching.