Virtual Labs & Simulations

a list of science courses and purchased platforms HERE

*Icon on EGUSD portal will provide shortcut access to website, but students are not automatically rostered. They will need to "enroll" in the class using a class code.

It is recommended that students use their EGUSD username/ID and password when registering for Gizmos. They do not have to input an email address.

As of October 6, 2023:

Teacher Registration Links (NOT for student access)

*Add Gizmos to your EGUSD portal AFTER you register:

You will need to login the first time, but then the portal will auto-sign you in afterwards.

Workshop Resources

For Support,  contact Kimberly Gavrilles, Customer Success Manager.

As of March 26, 2021:

Click here to access all the simulations, grouped by the recommended course of instruction.

Click here to see a spreadsheet list of all simulations and learning objectives.

Teacher License Codes by Course/Section

Getting Started with Labster (How-To Document)

Quick Links: preview sim, assign sim, estimated time

Labster Best Practices

Additional Labster Resources, including information about the Labster Dashboard and Google Classroom integration

Watch the "What's New from Labster" webinar.

To start, Labster will release the following in April 2021:

NOTE: When you create a new class, be sure to select "Payment: Institution."

*Icon on EGUSD will provide shortcut access to website, but not single-sign-on

Students will use their "" email to register.

Digital labs (only) for use in AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, and AP Physics I

More information about FlinnPrep AP Inquiry Labs

NOTE: Inquiry labs are to supplement in-person experiments; these do not inlcude the labs themselves, but rather the pre-lab concept, technique, procedure videos, as well as a summary video.