Digital Tools & Planning

Google Classroom & Apps

EGUSD Introduction to Google Classroom self-paced slide deck

Google for Education Teacher Center - self-guided trainings, including tools for diverse learners e.g. closed captioning, talk-to-text, screen reader

Teach from Home - Google's 'quick start guide' for remote teaching

Tuolumne County/CCEE/CUE Google Trainings - Recorded workshops and slides covering topics, including: Google Classroom, Intro to Google Apps, Pedagogy of Google Meets and Zoom, Planning out your School Week, and Teaching with Google Apps

Planning for Virtual Lessons

Quality Virtual Lesson Design (Fivestar) with sample lesson plans/assignment docs

San Joaquin County's STEM Distance Learning Tools - recorded webinars about using digital tools for STEM education, including screencasting tools, EdPuzzle, FlipGrid, hyperdocs, and virtual tours.

Shared Resources to support science distance learning

Below is a table of resources that you can use to support science distance learning. If you click on the table, you can search the spreadsheet by Topic/DCI. If you come across a great resource, add it to the resource bank by clicking on the button.

Shared Science Resource Bank