
Donate to the Biomedical Academy

Help our organization to pay for learning opportunities and laboratory supplies.

1) Go to and click on the link Biomedical Academy-Donation. First time users must create an account. If you do not have a child at PGHS, you may register as a community member. There is a 5% online processing fee, but can be waived if paid by cash or check directly to the PGHS controller. Additional login help may be found here,

Donate items to the Biomedical Academy

Lab supplies: Hand sanitizer, tissue, clorox wipes, latex free/nitrile gloves (small, medium, large), micropipet tips (20uL, 200uL), Microcentrifuge tubes (1.5mL), suturing kits

Craft supplies: pipe cleaners, colored construction paper, beads, puff balls, small hot sticks, blue tape, straws, plastic zip bags (sandwich, quart, gallon), aluminum foil

Classroom: 10-16 oz cups, plastic cutlery, bowls, plates