"Autism Rocks and Rolls Shows the positive side of autism." ~Dr. Temple Grandin

“A fantastic idea, a fantastic show, and a fantastic host!

Sam (the host) is funny, intelligent, thoughtful, prepared, and about a million other superlatives…. he’s also autistic. Though you’d never know it!

He’s not on a soapbox, but he has an agenda that people with w/disabilities can be just as capable as able-bodied people, if not more so.. and he makes a compelling case.

I enjoyed talking with him and I am looking forward to making another appearance down the road.. something I genuinely can’t say for 90% of the podcasts I do!

If you aren’t a listener, tune in, if you already are, then you know what I’m talking about.

Thank you, Sam, for being your own unique, and charming self, and allowing us to see you shine so brightly!”

Raven (professional wrestling superstar)

Richard Stevens, host of Inside the Orange podcast

When I was looking for guests for season two of my podcast, a fellow podcaster kept popping up in the social media channels that I was intrigued by.

This podcaster was Sam Mitchell from the Autism Rocks and Rolls Podcast. As soon as it was possible I booked Sam to be on my show. He is inspirational and the wonderful thing about Sam is that his podcast is there to educate people. As a guest on my show, he assured me that no question was off limits and breaking boundaries and stereotypes was Sam's main ideas and why he podcasts. He is passionate about what he does and this comes over so well as both a host and guest.

The most amazing thing for me is I have a connection for life and someone that will help me understand my son, who has autism, and others a lot better.

Keep up the great work Sam and keep inspiring us!

Maddie Jordan, friend, avid listener, and IU Student

Sam, believe it or not, is like a lot of people: Caring, Motivated, Creative, and someone who has found a big purpose to fulfill. By creating his podcast, you don't only hear what he has to say as an individual, but also his experiences and viewpoints as someone who has autism. Not many people may understand what goes on in a mind not "commonly" wired, but Sam is taking on the challenge to help people understand. My younger sister has autism and to be honest, I don't know how to really connect with her, but thanks to Sam's podcast, I have begun to understand her and how to grow closer to her. I believe more people should reach out to Sam because he is expressing himself without the desire for self gain. He wants his voice to be out in the world in order to educate and explain the mysteries behind autism. Sam is not a bunch of statistics of what autism is, he is a living embodiment of someone who has autism, someone who has feelings, challenges, and goals, someone who is trying to make a difference in the world.

Mindy Marie Bartlett, Guest and amazing mother

Sams podcast was great to be on. It was an honor to be with so many other wonderful parents. It was great to be heard and to hear others. Thank you for all you do.

Kurtis Moffitt, Guest, Father, and 8th-Grade Science Teacher

ARAR was not what I was expecting! It was awesome! Thinking I was coming on to help encourage others, turned out to be a blessing to me! What an Amazing Podcast! What an amazing resource! What an amazing voice for so many things in our world that need a voice!

Ron Sandison, author, and guest on Autism Rocks And Rolls.

"Sam Mitchell does an amazing podcast with up-to-date information and cool guests like pro wrestlers and international speakers. He provides humor and an inside perspective to autism."-Ron Sandison founder of Spectrum Inclusion and an author of A Parents Guide To Autism.

Caleb Lindsey, friend and avid listener

Sam genuinely surprised me with his podcast, with both his energy and confidence that he displayed in expressing his thoughts and insights. Truth be told, I got scared during the first episode of his podcast because of the Stone Cold Steve Austin theme music, but other than that, I feel that Sam does a really good job of expressing himself and getting his ideas across. Like Sam says in his podcasts, he has never been one to shy away from sharing his opinion, and he is not afraid to tell you how it is. However, I feel like he shares his opinions in ways that are relatable to his listeners. Sam is able to impart the confidence he has in himself onto his listeners through this podcast, and I feel that he has done a great job in showcasing that people dealing with autism are equally as capable as those without it, while simultaneously showing that you can have fun while doing what you love.

Terraine Brown, friend and Behind the Shades Podcast creator and host

Speaking to Sam and Gina was such an enlightening experience. Both are heroes and I enjoyed having them on my show. We connected in such an impactful way and their candor and insight is refreshing.

BJ Yoho, Sam's best friend

Sam and I have been best friends since kindergarten. Every since we met, Sam has been a devoted friend and kind person to talk to. I always light up whenever I get a chance to talk to Sam, no matter what is going on, I always enjoy my time with him. Sam has helped many with his podcast by coming out and talking about his experiences with autism. By doing so, he has shown that it’s ok to talk and share what’s going on. He has inspired others to do the same: be proud of who they are, whether they have a disability or not. His podcast is very helpful for those with autism and even those without autism. The podcast sort of acts as a guide for those who don’t necessarily know what autism is and how to act with someone with autism. I don’t have autism, but my friendship with Sam has taught me that I can treat him like any other person. The podcast teaches that lesson as well: just because they have autism, doesn’t mean they should be treated differently.

Matthew Montgomery, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Bloomfield, Indiana

Sam was the keynote speaker at our local Chamber of Commerce luncheon and discussed his social media presence known as Autism Rocks and Rolls. Sam was very engaging and was able to help enlighten the members of the Chamber of the endless possibilities that someone has regardless their situation.

Because of you. I have started to reach out to some people that I would have not other wise.

Tyce Nicholas, Guest, and local Indiana professional wrestler

My experience on the Autism Rocks And Rolls podcast was a lot of fun. It was a very fun experience to be on a talk show with others who know what it’s like to have Asperger Syndrome, how we learned about it, and what we all did to get through I appreciate them having me on their show and I hope to see them again one day.

Jacob Velazquez, Guest and music savant

When Sam invited me to be a guest on his podcast, I was super excited! Having the honor and privilege of speaking with Sam was super awesome! He’s so nice and fun to talk to! You can tell he puts lots of hard work into his podcast as he has to research everyone extensively in order to have an hour to an hour and a half of content per show. And he uses his motivation and drive to show others that autism rocks and rolls, which is very inspiring! Thank you again, Sam, for having me on!

Tamika Lamison, Guest and executive director of Make A Film Foundation

"I had the most wonderful time as a guest on Sam Mitchell's podcast "Autism Rocks and Roll". He was funny, thorough, and thoughtful with his questions and I had the opportunity to learn more about him and his perspective on Autism as well as share about my journey. I wish all podcasts could be so easy and fun. But more importantly, I loved the depth of the conversation and that Sam wasn't afraid to ask hard questions as well as fun questions. I found the podcast to be impactful and enjoyable and that is an impressive combination. So honored." - Tamika

AJ Ali, Guest and proud mother, a friend of Sam Mitchell

Sam is not just an advocate. He brings people together to support one another. I had a wonderful experience being a guest on Autism Rocks and Rolls. Sam asks important questions while providing a safe space for open, honest discussions.

Member of Greene County community, and Guest

Sam, I just wanted to try to express how much being a part of your podcast meant to me. I was in awe of the stories of all the precious children and their wonderful parents. The struggles that were faced and how each overcame them. The podcast was a beautiful bright spot in what is too often a dark time. It made my heart feel warm to hear the love in the parent's voices. Thank you so much for all you do. Never stop.

Blake Johnson, creator and host of podcast, Diary of a Mad Black Man and an avid listener

Sam is an exceptionally gifted young man who is charismatic, articulate and intelligent. Sam uses his platform to end the stigma surrounding Autism by sharing his story with passion, purpose and profound vulnerability. His podcast, Autism Rocks and Rolls, is an extremely useful and helpful resource to anyone wanting to know more about Autism or who are in the fight to end the stigma of mental illness. His humble, honest, character enables him to be the exceptional speaker, coach and podcaster that he is and I highly recommend him to anyone wanting to share in his mission, end the stigma of Autism and mental illness.

Alice Mitchell, grandmother and avid listener to podcast

Although Sam has his own struggles, he becomes friends with anyone. Sam began his "Autism Rocks and Rolls" podcast to help other people understand the struggles of someone with autism and encourage others living with autism to cope with their daily struggles.

Sam has given talks to other classes in his school. He has a goal to talk about to other groups who are struggling to cope.

Sam had help from a teacher getting started with podcasting in sharing his experiences with others. If anyone has questions, he would like to help.

Isabella Johnston, Guest and owner of E4C (Employers 4 Change)

I enjoyed being a guest on the show and sharing why skills-based recruitment is so important to find quality employees. One of the many benefits of working with individuals with autism is their attention to detail and also high ethics. I also learned so much from the other guests about pet therapy and other attributes and qualities of autism. Sam is a sparkling conversationalist and does his research on each guest. Respect. Tune in to hear more of our conversation.

Ameera Groeneveldt, friend and creator of Connecting Through Memoirs podcast

What kind of person is Sam?

When Sam reached out to me and told me that he was interested in coming on my show 'Connecting Through Memoirs Podcast,' I was very excited. First, because he was 17 and second, because he had a message that I believed needed to be heard. So why not give him the opportunity on my platform? I do not know Sam, but from interviewing him, I can tell that he is no quitter. If he has something to say, he will say it. He loves dogs more than any animal I think. His passion to spread awareness about his message is admirable. I am super proud of him and so happy that we have connected.

In what ways has Sam helped people with his podcast, public speaking, or in a classroom?

Based on all the information that Sam provides and his unique way of delivery is relatable to anyone, adult or child. You can clearly hear his passion and sense of humor.

How is his podcast helpful?

I believe whom ever listens to his podcast will not feel alone. He makes you feel great with his honesty.

Why one should reach out to Sam to do a public speaking engagement (in a school, university, autism conference) or ask Sam to help them with a podcast coaching session?

Sam has a great team with his mom Gina. Together they are unstoppable. The fact that he is so young only means that he has a lot more living to do and a lot more lessons to learn in life; this is perfect for any speaking engagement because he will have life experience. Many people look for speakers who speak the truth and the facts. Sam does this with little effort. It comes naturally. What Sam is learning about podcasting he can most definitely share about to help others in ways he wished he had.

Hailey Glaspie, family friend

Sam is the the kind of person that will make sure your needs are met before his. He is an amazing friend! You can always count on him. He doesn’t let what people say bother him. Even through all of the negative energy, he finds positive energy and fights for it. There isn’t a bad bone in his body. He is one of a kind, nobody will EVER amount to it. No matter what Sam goes through he always has a smile on his face, even when he doesn’t feel strong. Sam is an amazing, caring, sweet, generous, determined, and polite young man.

Sam has helped people in many ways with his podcast. People who have a disability and don’t feel heard, Sam makes them feel heard. Many people don’t understand how the brain of someone who has autism is wired, so Sam talks about it and helps you understand.

Sams podcast had made me look at everything from a different perspective. He helps me understand more as to how autism affects everyone in different ways. It’s also helpful because no matter what you have going on, there is something that will always help you out of it. Sams podcast helps me understand that even though there is evil in the world, there is always some the brings the light in. Autism Rocks and Rolls has taught me not to be afraid to go above and beyond to achieve your dreams, because anything is possible.

Friend and fellow podcaster, Samuel and Xavier Hutchins, Hope for Xavier

Sam Mitchell is one of the most interesting and inspiring people I have had the pleasure of meeting he along with his mother Gina Mitchell. They have truly blessed and inspired me. While our friendship is in its early stages, I can already tell It's going to a great relationship because these are two great people. We love them both very much. One of the big task that comes autism is awareness and helping the public really understand what autism is and what it entails. Although the spectrum is very broad, the individualism of it is something, we in the community, tackle in our everyday lives and efforts. With this podcast, Sam Mitchell, casts his personality and his honesty and his transparency is amazing and inspiring. He and his podcast are touching and changing lives for the better. Again, he and his mom, Gina Mitchell are true blessings. they are amazing people and this podcast and it's success is proof that even with autism, the possibilities in life are endless and further proof that there is success on the spectrum.

Sam Mitchell and the way he goes about his every day life and the family support he gets gives people the basics for a successful journey with autism. The love and the patience and the temperament it takes is so essential and it's all free, yet it's all priceless. Xavier and I welcome them into our lives and it is our hope that we can return the love the HOPE 4 Xavier Foundation and our podcast. XAVIER'S JOURNEY PODCAST are here to help.

Bethany Anne Murray, PhD, RN, PMHCNS-BC, Academic Specialist, Foundations of Clinical Practice, Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington

Sam is an engaging and articular young man well versed in the needs of individuals with autistic spectrum disorder. He described his interviews and podcast development to our future physicians with enthusiasm. It is very clear that he loves what he does and he is good at doing it.

Sam's mom, Gina, and his #1 fan

I could not be more proud of Sam for chasing his dreams. Sam did his first public speaking event in my classroom, talking to 8th grade students about autism, acceptance, bullying, and compassion. He did a phenomenal job and the kids wanted him back. If he is asked to speak at an event or coach someone getting started with a podcast, I guarantee he will do a fabulous job.

Abe Shapiro, friend and founder of The Neurodiversity Coalition at Indiana University

Sam Mitchell is the host of Autism Rocks and Rolls and whose bubbly and joyful personality showcases his determination to change the worldwide perception of the autism spectrum for the better. His podcast features a multitude of leaders who are making a difference in the world despite being on the spectrum. Sam is determined to carry the message that despite being on the spectrum, it is possible to utilize one’s neurological differences to make them work for, rather than, against them. This is a message that is critical to all students, leaders, teachers, and others who are on the spectrum, seek to engage with, and understand how individuals on the autism spectrum can make an impact. This podcast helps individuals on the spectrum because not only are they listening to someone who has personal experience and can provide advice for how they can utilize their differences in situations such as academic or social, but can help those same individuals develop the confidence that they need to be successful in the world. Furthermore, having someone on the spectrum who can speak from personal experience can help more people, be they experts on autism or special education teachers, empathize with and develop further resources to benefit individuals on the autism spectrum so that we can strive for the same opportunities that neurotypical individuals do while making our own mark on the world.

Adam Wheeler, Guest, Elementary School Speech Patholigist And Treasurer For Monroe County Autism Foundation

I had a great time chatting with Sam about the needs of the autism community! Always great to chat with allies in a shared mission of increasing acceptance and support for individuals with autism and their families. Autism Rocks and Rolls, and so does Sam!

Sage Phillips, Guest and local professional wrestler with autism

The Autism Rocks and Rolls show was a welcoming and enjoyable podcast to be a part of. I was thankful to share my insight and story as well as hearing the stories of the other guests as we go through this journey of our autism. We have all faced different challenges in our lives but we have made the absolute best of our disorders. Our disorder is not our weakness. It is our strength.

Frank Mallatt, Guest and owner of Critters 4 Service

I enjoyed our talk with Sam Isabel Rob and myself on the podcast I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Travis Wray, special education inclusion ELA teacher and defensive coordinator for the football team for the North Huskies in Evansville, Indiana

I have known Sam for a long time as a student. I had interactions with him when he was in the 6th grade while as I was a teacher in the same middle school building. Our relationship grew and I started to show Sam different outlets of how he could present what he knows other than just speaking to the whole class his sophomore year in my World Geography class. We did several projects in this class that allowed the students to have a choice in how their voices would be represented and let them show how the knowledge they had obtained. I always looked forward to either Sam’s presentation or grading the websites he created because he put so much time and thought into each one and truly let his voice be shown. His podcast has allowed his voice to come through and truly help others. I know this first hand because I now teach in a different school system several hours away from where he goes to school and I am using his podcast in my resource classroom to help my students find their voices. There is openness about struggles in his own personal life, as well as advice for what all young people are going through are relevant to teens, but especially those with disabilities who may not feel they have a voice or ideas that others want to hear. He has inspired several of students with a couple of his episodes and just his willingness to be so candid, but also me to not feel limited. I am honored to know Sam, and cannot wait to see where his talents take him next!

Isaiah Dwyer, family friend

1. Sam is smart.

2. Check out an episode.

3. If he is asked to speak at an event or coach someone getting started with a podcast, I guarantee he will do fabulous.

James Cox, friend and host of When Words Fail, Music Speaks

Sam is an amazing guy. In our episode that we did together, he was well prepared and he asked such great questions! He helps them by realizing that they too are not alone. It makes people's lives better when they realize they have someone who sheds light on the subject in which case they feel at ease that someone deals with it also. Anytime you hear or see a person(s) with a disability whether it be seen or unseen, it makes the world seem closer. Sam is doing miraculous things with his podcast! It opens up conversations about autism. Not many people are willing to talk about it. We at the When Words Fail ...Music Speaks Podcast proudly support Sam and his amazing Podcast!

Joy Henderson, friend

Sam is a truthfully honest, energetic person who shines with confidence. He uses creative ways to explain Autism. His podcast has helped enlighten and informed me to understand the struggles Sam and others have living with Autism. But more importantly the triumphs he has achieved by being open and sharing his stories.