Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation was started by 20-year-old Sam Mitchell, in October of 2019. It began with a simple interest in media when he was a junior in high school and has led to him becoming an entrepreneur by creating his own NonProfit and podcast, Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation. His nonprofit and advocacy offers public speaking, podcast coaching, podast editing, sponsorships, ad space, merchandise, public speaking, educational supplements, guest appearances, and guest space on his podcast.


Sam is a high-functioning human being on the autism spectrum, but he has a mission: to show people that he is not broken, does not need to be fixed, there is no normal in this world, and he is successful, WITH autism. Sam wants to celebrate the successes of all. He embraces who he is and feels as though everyone should do the same. His mission has caught on and this powerful and extraordinary idea is catching on and gotten the world’s attention. People are differently-abled, not disabled.

Our Team

Sam Mitchell, creator, owner, host, voice, editor, & Executive Director of Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation

Along with his NonProfit, Sam is a 19-year-old young man who is in college, majoring in media and entrepreneurship. He found his niche and love in podcasting in high school when he joined his high school's media club. Podcasting became his passion and he started his own, Autism Rocks and Rolls. What started out as a hobby soon got the world's attention. Sam now wants to change the perspective of autism, destigmatizing the negativity that often surrounds this type of brain wiring. Sam is using his platform to first and foremost, help those on the spectrum or anyone that feels as though they do not belong because they simply feel "different." Sam wants to reach parents who might be terrified because their child was diagnosed with autism, someone on the spectrum that feels lost, a business owner that wants to bring motivation to his or her company, teachers that want to understand the emotional side of autism for their students, and anyone that needs something to feel good about themselves. Sam tells his story through motivational speaking. He also is building his business by asking more sponsors to jump aboard and offering several services. His favorite pastimes are well, podcasting. He also loves dogs, spending time outdoors, spending time with his family, creative writing, blogging, zip lining, traveling, and watching WWE.

Gina Mitchell, President of Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation, Sam's mom & #1 fan, manager, maketing, networking, and teacher by trade

Gina (mom) has been Sam's #1 fan well, really since birth, but especially since Sam has spread his wings and shown the world what he's got. She is currently a teacher of 8th grade students and has a bachelor's degree in English/Social Studies Education, a Master's degree in Education, and a Gifted and Talented Education degree. She is currently back in college working on degrees in Instructional Technology and Educational Design. Gina has been a teacher for 17-years and still is. However, her second job is working at Autism Rocks and Rolls Corporation with Sam. When Sam's life mission became helping others, it beame hers too. Gina's ultimate goal is to help Sam with his NonProfit and advocacy work full-time. Her favorite pastimes are listening to crime and detective podcasts, music and crazy dancing with her family and students, leisurely swimming, reading books, building Websites, traveling, meeting new people, playing with her dogs, and shopping for bargains.

Our Past AND Present Sponsors

Salon 45, Bloomfield, Indiana

BC2m, Mental Health Club at EGHS

Utilities District of Western Indiana

Actress, Sara Tomko

Placed for Purpose

Shipley Drywall

Heather Hudson, Therapist

Channer Consulting LLC

Owensburg Auto

Former Teacher's Aid, Keli Gray

Bobcat Ellettsville Indiana

Buffalo Wings And Rings-Bedford Indiana