Speaking engagements/Events:

January 15-18, 2023 - CARD Conference, Orlando Florida  (in-person, booked - non paid)

2023 - West Shore Young Professionals, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

March 10-11th - Speak at charter school with MMA fighter, Daniel Puder, Pompano Beach, FL (onsite - nonpaid, but will pay for flight and hotel??

March 15th - Knoxville, TN - Autism Day

March 22, 2023 - Kiwanis Conference, BTown Conv Ctr, (onsite, paid)

March 22 - 24, 2023 - Neurodiversity in the Workplace,  Washington DC

April 15th - Knoxville, TN - Autism Day

April 20-21, 2023 - ASET,  Niagra Falls Canada (Paying for everything)

July 12-14, 2023 - Thirtieth International Conference on Learning - BRAZIL (online) 

July 18-21, 2023 - Making Schools Work Conference, Orlando, FL, in-person, nonpaid

September 12th-15th Podfest, Orlando, Florida (online)