5th Grade Music

Welcome to 5th Grade Music!

5th Graders are starting to work with more complex musical ideas. They are also diving more into the social aspects of music and how music works in movies and can effect our individual moods. Students will also start learning about voice parts and practicing playing instruments and singing with many multiple layers.

This week in 5th Grade Music: September 7th-17th

These last few days flew by. Mrs. Kamen had us create name signs for our names. Then students called us by our names by only using our names. This taught us to be creative and think outside of the box (which we will have to do when we improvise or create songs in music) and to watch and pay attention to what is going on around us.

We also learned about the Composer of the Month: Frederic Chopin. He lived in France and was one of the best piano players to ever live. We also listened to snippets of his work and had to describe in words what his music was like when we listened to it.

We also started on our Program that is happening in November. Mrs. Kamen says there will be singing, dancing, and drums. She read us the story that will be the narration of the program.

She also had us review our rhythms and treble clef notes as we will be using them soon as we get ready for our program. It looks like we will be doing a lot of getting ready for our program this first month and half while we learn!

We also have the opportunity to join Band and Choir this year!

Daily Videos

5th Grade Resources and Materials

**Potato Bowl Parade is this Saturday, September 18th. We will meet at the corner of 2nd Avenue North and North 8th Street. We are entry #24. Parade will end at East Grand Forks Fire Station.

**5th Grade Honor Chorus starts NEXT WEEK TUESDAY, September 21st at 7:45am-8:20am.

**Recorder Purchases are due October 1st.

**5th Grade Program is on November 11th, 2021.

Dear 5th grade parents.docx
recorder letters 2022