3rd Grade Music

Welcome to 3rd Grade Music!

3rd Graders are starting to experience and understand music terms and definitions. We also take music notes that we have been learning since Kindergarten and start playing instruments!

This week in Music September 7th-17th

These past couple weeks have flown by! This week we created actions to our names (like sign language for own name). It taught us to be creative but to also make sure we are always watching and paying attention to the things going on around us as someone would call our name but with our hand gestures!

We also learned about our Composer of the Month: Fredric Chopin. He lived in France and is considered one of the best piano players ever to live. We also got to listen to some of his music and show what was happening in the music with different movements. Some of the music sounded heavy and sad. Some sounded very light and fast!

We also learned some new games like Big Foot (where we have to keep the beat) and Extra Beat, Take a Seat (where we practice counting rhythms and keeping track of how many measures to clap the rhythm for).

Mrs. Kamen sang us a story called, "All are Welcome Here." Later this week, we are going to play the main melody on the xylophones. We already figured out the solfege (pitches) for the song!

Weekly Video


**Recorder purchases are being made now! $5 for recorder and lanyard. Information can be found below.

**Our 3rd Grade Program is on April 5th, 2022

recorder letters 2022