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Informational and interesting articles and book recommendations

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has put out their theme for Mental Health Awareness Month, #RealConvo Find more of this helpful information HERE.

We've selected a couple guides that may help in opening up a conversation about mental health.

How to Start (and Continue!) a Conversation About Mental Health  

If Someone Tells You They’re Thinking About Suicide

Reaching Out for Help

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. During the Coronavirus social distancing conditions, NAMI Capital Region is offering NAMI Family Support Group Meetings online. Please click on or copy and paste the link in the invite listed below to join the group.

Family Support Group

Click below by 5:30pm on Thursdays to join

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 173 814 744 | Dial in: +1-929-205-6099

Use this form to sign up and receive email notifications for online support groups: Click here

As public health experts stress the importance of social distancing in slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus, families are challenged with how to maintain positive mental health. In our commitment to support NYS families and caregivers, we will be sending regular emails with strategies, tips and resources. Please share these with families you work with, as well as your friends, family and colleagues.

The CDC offers specific information for protecting your family. This article from NPR helps to explain coronavirus to youth using a comic!

Social distancing does not mean social isolation.

Social isolation is a known risk factor for mental health disorders, substance use and dementia, especially for those who are already vulnerable. During this time, it's important to be vigilant about maintaining positive social interactions. Luckily technology can help.

Reach out to friends and family daily, especially those who are alone. Try not to focus on the current situation; mix it up with these conversation starters:

Maintain a regular routine.

While it's ok to stay in your pajamas and binge watch your favorite shows if that makes you feel good, two weeks is a bit much!  Maintaining routine provides structure and encourages healthy choices, and helps us to be mindful and stay present.

Looking for resources? YouTube is filled with yoga videos; enter "yoga for kids" or "family yoga" in the search bar and gyms like the YMCA have online classes posted. Pinterest is a great resource for quick craft projects and kid-friendly recipes. Finally, many services are working to provide online options.  Check with your kids' music teachers, tutors, etc. for virtual instruction or suggestion for online resources.

Remember to breathe.

When we are stressed, we tend to tense up and our breathing is limited. Practice breathing even when you don't think you need to.. There are many different techniques. Find what is most comfortable for you. A few tips: