Important Information for Juniors

Hi Juniors!

Counselors will meet with Juniors multiple times a year...

Junior Post High School Planning (December)

Counselors pull juniors from PE classes to discuss the process of post high school planning.

Junior Naviance Post High School Exploration (January)

Counselors pull juniors from PE classes to allow them time, and assistance, exploring the various options there are for when they graduate. Naviance as well as other websites will be used.

Course Selection (January - February)

In late January/early February students will meet individually with their counselor to talk about their future goals and course selections for the next year. At the conclusion of course selection, families will be notified via email about their child's selections and will have a chance to ask questions and make adjustments.

Junior Conferences (February - June)

In the second semester, counselors will hold individual meetings with juniors and their parents/guardians to talk specifically about the student's post high school plans and provide helpful information for the process of planning.