Monday June 22nd, 2020

Please join me for a class meeting at 11:00 this morning to talk more and do some brainstorming around this week's "Mini Museum projects."

Our code is: drbgregoire2

Check out your classmates' Tiny Hero Projects from last week!

Our Tiny Hero Projects .mov


Throughout this week, you will be working on reflecting on this year by creating a "Mini Museum" of artifacts that represent work we've done this year. You may use whatever materials you have on hand to create your artifacts: paper, plasticine, lego, craft supplies (popsicle sticks, pipecleaners etc)! Be creative! You have all week to work on this. Please send me your completed mini-museum by the end of the day on Thursday!

If you aren't able to attend our class meeting, please see the video below that explains what you need to do for your mini museum :)

Your job today is to:

  •  Attend class meeting at 11:00am (if you can)

  • Brainstorm what artifacts you want to have in your museum

  • Start creating!

Mini Museum Grade
Mini Museum to Post.pdf