Monday June 15th, 2020

Please join me for a class meeting at 10:30 this morning to talk more and do some brainstorming around this week's "Tiny Hero Shine Projects."

Our code is: drbgregoire2

Check out your classmates' comics from last week!

Student Showcase June 15th


Throughout this week, you will be working on showing your understanding of the Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library, by completing a project that celebrates the ways that you "Shine." Please attend our class meeting today to learn more about the project. If you are not able to, please see the video below that explains your task.

Your job today is to:

  •  Attend class meeting at 10:30am (if you can)

  •  Choose which project you'd like to do

  •  Gather the materials you'll need for the week

  •  Make your plan for what you would like to accomplish each day this week and send to Mrs. Gregoire

Tiny Hero Project.pdf
Tiny Hero Project Weekly Plan.pdf
Tiny Hero Project

The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library - Chapter 28

Please listen to Mrs. Calder read Chapter 28 of the "Tiny Hero" to you!



We have a couple more days of Camping Math to wrap up our Grade 2 review. Today your work will focus on:

-Making friendly number combinations of 10 to find the sum of a "string" of numbers.

The task and sheet for today is posted below :)

Camping Friendly Combos Task.pdf

Just for Fun

Baby Gregoire will be coming soon! As I started to wonder what she will look like, I was wondering what all of YOU looked like as babies too! So... if you'd like to, could you please find a picture of yourself as a baby and send it to me sometime today or tomorrow. I will put your baby pictures together into a little slideshow, and then at our Google Meet on Wednesday, we can try and see if we can guess who's who as a baby!