Friday June 19th, 2020

Please join me for a class meeting today at 9:30. Please bring something to share from your Tiny Hero projects (a puppet, a game piece, a picture of name it!). You will be able to talk a little bit about your project at our meeting!

Our code is: drbgregoire2

Tiny Hero Shine Project

Today is the last day to work on your Tiny Hero Shine project. Please send me a picture of your completed project by the end of the day :) Here are some screenshots of your projects and videos so far!

Tiny Hero Projects Student Showcase

The Tiny Hero of Ferny Creek Library - Epilogue

This is the last chapter of the Tiny Hero! Please listen to Miss. Brandt read it to you. If you could, please have a listen to the chapter before our class meeting today so we can chat about the ending together!


Here are the riddles from yesterday's class meeting if you'd like to go through them again, or if you missed the meeting!

Math Riddles Google Meet.pdf

Next Week's Google Meet Schedule