R U OK? Day

A message about R U OK? Day from our School Captains, Chelsea & Connor

Thursday 9th September is R U OK? Day.
Here are a range of special resources and activities for you to use this morning.

Most importantly, today is a day to take care of yourself, Sharpen the Saw and do something that makes you feel HAPPY, RELAXED & RECHARGED! We encourage you to spend the day off the screen as much as possible!


Trace around your hand and write down 5 people who you can talk to when you are not feeling ok. Then colour it in and display it somewhere in your house.

Write an R U OK? day poem,

Create a poster to put in your window,

Send a letter to a friend,

Create your own mindfulness colouring sheet,

Create your own glitter jar,

Draw a chalk drawing on your drive way or nearby footpath to brighten up someone elses day,

Interview a grown up about R U OK? day and ask them if they have any ideas of what you could say to a friend who is not feeling OK,

Make some positive affirmations cards,

Create a happy dance, film it and send to a friend to cheer them up,

Do some yoga with Cosmic Kids,

Make a care package with a card and small gift to give to a family or friend,

Take a walk in nature and collect some items which make you happy,

Cut out some pictures from magazines and create a collage showing different emotions you have experienced,

Make a life sized 'hug' and send it to someone special.

We encourage you to wear a SPLASH of yellow to the Google Meet @ 9:00am!

Here are some mindful colouring sheets if you have access to a printer.

mental-health-mindfulness-colouring-t-tp-2662801_ver_1 (1).pdf

How can you reach out to a friend today or any other day? You might like to save this to your computer!