Feeling Bored?

Are you feeling bored? Here is a list of some fun things to do which may inspire you!

Pobble non screen activities.pdf
Non-screen activities - from Pobble.pdf
Non screen activities - Earth.pdf
More non-screen activities – from Pobble.pdf
Even more non-screen activities – from Pobble.pdf

Check out Miss Lowe's Colesy's Corner Youtube Channel!


Play with your dog


Mini indoor basketball hoops (make your own if you don’t have one)


Indoor disco

Play play station

Play with pets

Create your own drive-in – make cardboard cars, put them in front of the tv and watch a movie.

Go on a bug hunt.

Rubix cube

Watch your favorite series.

Do some arts and craft

Cook your family lunch

Communicate/message your friends


Goat simulator

Admire your toast

Do an obstacle course with your siblings

Make a restaurant

Make a cubby house

Make a new game

Climb a tree (don’t hurt yourself)


Make your own family Olympics

Do some drawing

Java scripting or any coding

Look at some memes

Make up some memes

Play sport outside

Board games

Card games

Watch Netflix


Make a fort

Experiment with recipes

Movie marathon

Improve or get new hobbies

Use your iPad or computer



Slip and Slide

Hide and Seek



Go on a bug hunt


Hold a snail race

Movie night (with popcorn and sleeping bags)

Indoor or backyard camping

Write a letter to a friend, family member or your teacher

Balloon games

Swim in the pool (if you own one)

Backyard golf

Sprinkler fun outside

Backyard footy, soccer, netball etc.

Cooking or baking (and then post to your teacher, haha)

Make fairy bread

Boardgames or create your own boardgame

Wheelbarrow race

Create an obstacle course

Water balloons

Clean your bedroom

Offer to wash your parents car

Painting and balloon painting

Learn some magic tricks

Teach your dog a new trick

Play card games

House of cards

Make your own dances

Make a rocket

Write a story

Blanket, pillow or cardboard forts

Science experiments

Rubik's Cube


Put on a performance for your family (or a talent show)

Make a movie

Create some challenges

Make a scavenger hunt

Make friendship bracelets

Paint rocks

Cleaning dance party

Arm wrestling

Drawing and art

Go Noodle

Cosmic Yoga

Going on a bear hunt

Call your friends

Have a tea party