
It is important to keep fit and active!

Mr Scott's 'Distance Learning PE' YouTube page with weekly updated games and skill videos to keep you fit and healthy!

Go Noodle is available on this website, or you can download the App.

It is great for educational videos, exercise, silly songs and lots more!

Les Mills is available on the website linked to this image and on the App store. You can do virtual gym classes here like Body Pump and Combat classes. You can do them by yourself or with your family.

This awesome website is great for everything Mindfulness. There are yoga activities, belly breathing, mantras and more! It is currently free for you to access during Home Learning!

A great website which has Yoga sessions with all different themes for you to follow along. You can also search and find great Cosmic Yoga activities on You Tube

If you enjoy soccer and would like to improve on your skills, this You Tube channel has lots of videos to help you do just that! You can learn (or improve on) kicking, passing and much more!

JUST DANCE!! Click the image for a direct link to their You Tube channel.


INSTRUCTIONS - All you need to do is pick a word, do one activity for each letter of the word you chose. You may like to start with your name!

A-Run to the front door and back

B-10 Star Jumps

C-20 crunches

D-Run 3 laps of your backyard

E-Run on the Spot for 1 minute

F-Hop up and down on 1 foot 15 times

G-15 squats

H-5 burpees

I-35 second plank

J-5 Pushups

K-10 Sit Ups

L-20 Star jumps

M-25 Butt kicks

N-45 High Knees

O-Wall Sit for 50 seconds

P-Pick up a ball without using your hands 3 times

Q-10 crunches

R-Run to your front door and back

S-5 push ups

T-15 lunges

U-10 high knees

V-Have a Break

W-arm circles for 20 seconds

X-10 situp

Y-10 lunges on each leg

Z-Run 1 lap of your house