Numeracy Resources

Click on the images below for a direct link to some Maths programs and activities!

A website full of interactive maths tasks to challenge and extend your thinking.

Each student has a Mathletics account and all tasks are open and available for you to use. You could also complete activities and play game on Mathletics Live.

You are able to search and practice topics in maths which you want to work on independently.

You are able to use Sunset Maths and My Numeracy.

This is a game made by our very own... MR VAUGHAN!!

Learn the maths you need, where, when and how you want.

Maths Antics have videos which teach you concepts and worksheets to go with them. Work through these if you wish, and begin where you feel is the most suitable to your learning level.

Khan Academy has great videos which break down topics and concepts. Simply search the topic you are learning and it will explain it in a very clear way with great visuals. You are able to make your own account for Khan, but it is not necessary to use it.

This is a great website which allows you to focus on mental strategies and fluency of numbers. What's great, is that you can check your answers at the end!

Fact Monster Flash Cards has a range of different leveled flash card activities. Using flash cards are a fantastic way to work on your number fluency and this site allows you to choose the ones which are at your learning level.

Fun4theBrain was created based on a passion and belief that kids can most certainly learn while they play. Math facts have to be reviewed in order to be mastered, so why not master your facts with games.

This website has some great maths games which are all organised into topics and levels, making it easy to find some suitable to your learning level.