Weekly Challenge

Meme me up Mondays

Create your own original meme

Tik Tok Tuesdays

Learn some Tik Tok moves

Write your Wednesdays

You can write about anything – but if you need a prompt…
•write a letter to the person you miss the most
•write about your biggest fear
•write about your best holiday
•five years from now I will be …
•turn one of the last texts you sent into a story
•add an original scene to the last movie you watched

Thankful Thursdays

What is a Gratitude Journal?

A gratitude journal helps you to appreciate positive things or moments that you might not have even thought about.

Use a blank notebook and write whatever comes to mind. Try to write up to three things you are grateful for each time.

No journal? Just use sticky notes & put them around your desk.

Furry Fridays

What is a fun, silly, cute thing your furry friend did this week?

Make a photo story, story or even poem of your fur friend – or anything you want really

My dog his name is Arlo

He doesn’t realise he’s a dog though

He tries to type on my computer

Which makes him even cuter