Rona Reset

The Great 2020 Rona Reset & Epping Time Capsule Competition

When the world changes, we must learn to change also

It feels like we are having a total ‘reset’ on life and how we are living it.
Waterways are clearer, smog is clearing and life is slowing down.
Working remotely lessens our carbon footprint, the air is clearer and cleaner.
People are reaching out to others.
Opera has been sung on apartment balconies.
People have stood on their doorsteps to applaud our new heroes – doctors, nurses, cleaners.
People are quite literally putting their lives on the line to save others.

Gratitude in difficult times

Covid and the quarantine have had some terrible consequences, the lockdown, missing friends, businesses closed, however, by far the saddest, and the worst, has been those who have lost their battle with the virus.

All the bad things going on with Corona virus certainly make all the headlines but it is draining to be bombarded with negative information.

So, what are the positives that have arisen since Rona?

People are nice after all …

Who would have thought?

Instead of the worst in humanity coming out, the best has often come out.

The world is coming together as one big community, united in the fight against

We are reaching out to each other more than ever.

Random acts of kindness have become the new thing – so go on, knock yourself out, being kind to others boosts your serotonin, eases anxiety and reduces stress.

Positive Rona Reverbs

Perhaps one of the MOST positive things to come out of lockdown, is the way in which our planet appears to be getting a break from our energy consumption, car and air pollution and general environmental footprint.

One study revealed the improvement in air quality, in the UK and in Europe, has led to 11,000 less deaths from pollution. We’ve seen polluted skylines clearer than ever before.

Dolphins in Venice canals? Sadly that was fake news, however the waters in Venice are clearer & marine life which hasn't been seen in the city for many years, is now visible.

Rona Slang

Sanny – hand sanitiser

In-Iso – in isolation or lockdown

The ‘Rona – abbreviation

Magpie – supermarket hoarder based on this swooping bird’s keen interest in grabbing and hoarding shiny things

Coronials – children born in 2020

LBC – life before Corona

LPC – Life post Corona

And to use them all in a sentence: “Me boss tested posi for The ’Rona so now I’m in iso. Popped down to Woollies for some sanny, but it’s been bloody Magpie’d."

Rona songs:

My my my my my corona” (My Sharona);

“CO-VID-19” (sung to the tune of Come on Eileen)