Pledge wall


Artwork by Adam Compton-Robins


Part of my role at Epping Secondary College is to promote a welcoming, inclusive and tolerant environment in our school community - and that includes supporting and welcoming our LGBTIQ students and staff.

Our school captains and the SRC wanted to end this term by celebrating our difference and diversity. So we are having two Rainbow Days to celebrate and support our LGBTIQ community.

We want to send a clear and loud message that at Epping we don't tolerate discrimination and bullying. All young people have a right to feel safe at school but many young people who identify as LGBTI have negative experiences in Australian schools, and many studies around the world show that LGBTI students experience higher rates of harassment, social exclusion and bullying than their non-LGBTI peers.

So let's be the school that makes all of our students feel welcomed and included - wherever you are on the rainbow.

Let's be the school that rejects stereotypes and discrimination.

Let's be the school that promotes kindness and acceptance of all our students.

At Epping we want all of our students to feel safe, welcomed and included - we support all of you - we are your allies.

Ms. Hart

Positive Education Coordinator

This year’s Wear It Purple theme is “Stand Up. Stand Out.”, paying tribute to the positive impact of LGBTQI people who have been able to be out, proud and visible. Wear it Purple recognises that not everyone can feel safe to express their gender, or to come out, especially in secondary schools.

Benjamin Law is an Australian author and journalist who writes:

"I’m stoked and proud to support Wear It Purple. The first step towards pride is visibility, and that’s not just visibility of young LGBTIQA+ people and their communities, but also the myriad allies who support and celebrate them. Young queer folks are still targetted in schools, workplaces and homes, and it’s our joint responsibility to ensure these kids and teens not only feel safe, but valued, celebrated and loved."


Theodore Williams

A big shout out to our LBGTIQA+ are amazing and wonderful just as you are!

Be proud, and know that we are here for you.

Mrs. Kaskamanidis

It takes one to know one! xx

I pledge to support all students and staff of Epping Secondary College, irrespective of shape, size, sexual orientation or identity, colour, race or creed. I pledge to celebrate and appreciate the uniqueness and wonder of us all!

Shauna O’Donnell

To the LGBTIQ community, you are loved and appreciated at Epping Secondary, thank you for being yourself and know you are accepted :)

Lusani Sigwadi – Social Justice Captain

I pledge to always provide a safe space for every student, no matter their sexuality or gender identity! Louise Krionas

I pledge to love my fellow humans as equally as I would love myself and my family. No filtering ... just love. You are safe in our library and very welcomed.

Mary Mesquita

I Leanne Halsall pledge to advocate for a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment for LGBTQIA

Let the light inside you burn bright. Our actions and thoughts shape the future. May yours glow.

Antoinette Rehak

I pledge to make sure students feel safe to be true to who they are.

Michael Contarin