Welcome to new families

The transition to secondary schooling can be both exciting and anxiety provoking for students and parents/carers alike. Parents/carers can often reflect on their own experiences of this time of transition and feel concerned about how their young person will face these challenges. As the primary adult in your young person's life you can be an excellent support for them during this time. 

Below is some information and resources to help you navigate this period with confidence.

Wellbeing Support at CSC

Our Wellbeing Team at CSC consists of:

As a team we work to support students across the school through:

Our team can, where appropriate, provide more individualised support such as:

Some students will require a level of specialised support and treatment that school based mental health and wellbeing staff cannot provide. In these instances, the student must be referred to the appropriate specialist or health service.

As a team we also provide consultation to parents & carers to help them navigate accessing the right support for their young person. We can do this over the phone or in person. When contacting the Wellbeing Team, parents/carers should allow 2 - 5 working days for staff to reply.

If you have concerns regarding your young person we encourage you to:

Here are a range of resources to support you caring for your young person during this period of transition.