
Image/Photography and Rights Release Form

Georges Riverkeeper Zero Litter release form for parents and teachers consent to be filmed.pdf

Activity 1: Impermeable surfaces and initial drain data

Download a copy of the activity for your program and create a map for your school grounds. This pre-learning is am important part of understanding your site and is part of the stormwater audit process to be completed in Lesson 1.

First Activity - Impermiable surfaces and drains.pdf

Lesson 1: Stormwater Investigation Data Sheets

Download and copy the Stormwater Investigation Data Sheets ready for your first lesson with Georges River Environmental Education Centre (GREEC), this document will be used in conjunction with the A3 map created by students in Activity 1.

Primary Stormwater Drain Litter Investigation.pdf
Zero Litter in the River Making a movement

Slide presentation on Making a movement

There are many parts to making a successful campaign. This slide presentation is aimed at introducing the issue of litter, identifying what good campaigns must do and inspiring ideas that can be evolved into the solution for the 'Zero Litter in the River' program.

Georges River Stormwater

Slide presentation on stormwater ' The Big Picture'

Stormwater provides our communities with many benefits. However, urban areas can have a negative effect on the water that is ushered into our creeks, streams and rivers. View and discuss this presentation to better understand the stormwater story.

More activities that support student knowledge and Geographical understanding around how litter ends up in the river

Image courtesy of SIX maps, using the 1943 filter to display the Chipping Norton Lakes section of the Georges River

Computer Mapping Activity

Lets take a look at the Georges River Catchment from a birds eye view

Follow the instructions below:

Go to: SIX maps

  • Enter 'The Georges River' in search bar (top left).

  • Familiarise yourself with the map functions: (click and drag map to move around, zoom in and out etc).

  • Click base map (top right) and compare the different map types (foreground vs background). This helps to locate different types of features on the map.


  1. Can you find where the Georges River begins and ends?

  2. Can you find your school within the Georges River Catchment?

  3. Can you find and name the closest waterway connecting your school to the river?

  4. If you like to visit the river, can you find the area you like to go to?

Image courtesy of Georges Riverkeeper depicting a pocket of rubbish in a section of the Georges River

Ongoing Monitoring Activities

  • Schools may want to create a group that can do ongoing monitoring of drains and potentially the nearest local waterway.

  • Students can check the drains either just before or during rain (to see if they are working effectively).

  • Keep data on the condition of school drains and report this to the schools management or general assistants.

Here are some more easy ideas for drains on school grounds

Chalking around drains

During stormwater investigations students gain an understanding of how the schools drains are connected directly to the river.

As a fun and effective activity, students can chalk a message around some of the schools more visual drains as an active awareness campaign.

Stencilling option

We provide a stencilling kit to be used only with teacher supervision, offering a more permanent drain signage option.

This sends a valuable message for years to come that the schools stormwater system 'Drains to Georges River'.

The development of this unit was supported by the NSW Department of Education's Environmental and Zoo Education Centres, along with the Georges Riverkeeper Member Councils:

Environmental and Zoo Education Centres

The Environmental and Zoo Education Centre network (EZEC) have created virtual resources for schools, to support teaching and learning. Designed by teachers from 25 centres across the state, there are K-6 resources available across a host of different subjects, including science, geography and wellbeing. These resources won the NSW Department of Education Secretary's Award for an Outstanding School Initiative in 2020.

Resources for teaching and learning from home

Georges Riverkeeper

Georges Riverkeeper’s role is to work with our eight member councils to look after the Georges River by undertaking activities within five main Programs to guide best practice management to protect natural resources and improve liveability along the Georges River. Georges Riverkeeper is one of Australia’s longest serving catchment management groups, having been in operation since 1979.

Additional online videos resources and activities

FINAL-Blacktown-City-Council-Stormwater-Resource-2020-Sus-Schools-NSW-Julia (1).pdf

Stage 4 Teaching Resource

Blacktown City Council

How to do a stormwater audit - Sydney Water resource (A7348438).pdf

Stormwater Audit

Sydney Water

Fairfield City Council Lesson Plan Kit Zero Litter.pdf

Fairfield Catchment Model

Fairfield City Council