Lesson 2

Learning intention

We are learning how to create and produce a 'Call to action'.

Developing a campaign around 'Zero litter in the river' with the intent of presenting to an audience.

Success criteria

Students create a clear campaign linked to the design brief.

Students presented their concept with a clear audience in mind.

This session will be held in a hall with up to two classes at a time for the lesson

Why is the Zero Litter in Georges River project important?

Zero Litter in Georges River promotion video

Como Public School students want Zero Litter in Georges River video

What do good campaigns do? What are the ideas we want to develop?

Cairns Drain Stencil Project

See how a group of students are changing local communities knowledge around litter and stormwater. Notice the way they talk about the problem and their passion for the environment and their community.

Molly's Straw No More

Molly's campaign was aimed at single use plastics, in particular straws. This movement is current today and there have been many new places that are changing their laws in response to Molly's message.

Zero Litter in the River Making a movement

Slide presentation on Making a movement

There are many parts to making a successful campaign. This slide presentation is aimed at introducing the issue of litter, identifying what good campaigns must do and inspiring ideas that can be evolved into the solution for the 'Zero Litter in the River' program.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Time to design our way out of this mess

100 Ideas, Solution Overload and Concept Map

In groups students will be given a piece of butchers paper and markers.

1) They will be given 10 minutes (with a 5 minute extension if needed) to see how close to 100 ideas they can think of that solve the problem of litter in the river.

2) Next students are asked to review their list of ideas and choose the top 3 ideas that could be shared with the whole group and potentially evolved into a solution.

3) After listening to the ideas in the room, each group has 5 minutes to refine their 3 ideas down to 1. Choosing the idea that resonates best with the group. This becomes the idea that the group takes forward. Groups are encouraged to discuss what this might look like as a project or solution.

4) Concept map the solution on a second piece of butchers paper. Groups have 10 minutes to brainstorm what this solution could look like. Ideas for slogans, images, themes and audience are all beneficial at this point.

This exercise forms the foundation of the design and create process that is built on in Lesson 3. It is aimed at pushing students beyond their comfort zone to generate solutions that hold tremendous potential for solving the problem of litter ending up in the Georges River.

The seed has now been sown

Lesson 3 is when as a group the best idea is translated into a Drain Art design. The groups created as part of Lesson 2 will be the same groups students work in for Lesson 3.