Zero Litter in Georges River

Georges Riverkeeper is the recipient of a $700,000 Environmental Restoration Fund program grant from the Australian Government to help reduce litter flowing to the Georges River waterways via stormwater. Georges Riverkeeper is also bringing this project to several schools across the Georges River catchment to teach students about litter, GPTs and stormwater. The students will conduct a surface water drainage investigation, develop a campaign about the problem and create drain art to be installed in the community.

This project is being conducted in accordance with privacy and protection of children guidelines and requires parent consent for students to participate and be photographed/filmed. Please see the Consent to photograph document provided to the school.


Students will learn:

  • How do people and environments influence one another?

  • How do people influence places and the management of spaces within them?

Introductory meeting for the 'Zero Litter in Georges River' program

Activity 1: Mapping drains and initial stormwater data

Click on the image below to access the instructions in resources. This activity is done before the first lesson.

Special note, this activity is mapping the schools surface water drainage. Students may observe the geographical features of school grounds and record the physical locations of drains. At no time are students to remove drain covers.

Student Learning Activities

Understanding the issue with litter and stormwater

Understanding a campaign and developing ideas

Create a drain art campaign and other education pieces