

Stage 3 Year 5 & 6

NSW Syllabus Content



A student:

› describes the diverse features and characteristics of places and environments GE3-1

› explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments GE3-2

› compares and contrasts influences on the management of places and environments GE3-3

› acquires, processes and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry GE3-4


How do people and environments influence one another?

How do people influence places and the management of spaces within them?

How can the impact of bushfires on people and places be reduced?


Students investigate how people change the natural environment in Australia and other places around the world. They also explore how the environment influences the human characteristics of places. Students examine ways people influence the characteristics of places, including the management of spaces. Students explore the impact bushfires have on Australian people, places and environments and propose ways people can reduce the impact of bushfires in the future.


Factors that change environments

Students: investigate the ways people change the natural environment in Australia and another country, for example: (ACHGK026, ACHGK027)

- examination of how people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, have influenced each country’s environmental characteristics eg land clearing

Environments shape places

Students: investigate how the natural environment influences people and places, for example: (ACHGK028)

- discussion of how climate influences the distribution of where people live M GS - comparison of how landforms influence where and how people live in Australia and another country

Bushfire hazard

Students: investigate the impact of ONE contemporary bushfire hazard in Australia, for example: (ACHGK030)

- identification of the location and extent of the disaster M ST

- description of the impact of the disaster on natural vegetation and the damage caused to communities VR

- examination of how people can prevent and minimise the effects of a bushfire

Geography K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2020

Georges River Environmental Education Centre

The Georges River Environmental Education Centre (EEC) is a Department of Education school located in South Western Sydney, one of three EECs in this geographical area of Sydney, and one of a network of 25 Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC) across the state.

The Centre aims to inspire young people to experience and connect with the natural world and encourage the development of positive behaviour changes towards its protection.

Georges River EEC offers a variety of high quality field work, environmental and sustainability education programs for school students from K–12.

Georges River EEC also delivers professional learning opportunities for teaching staff both at the centre, within schools and in the natural environment through in experiential learning.

The Centre also assists schools within its local community to undertake environmental audits and connects them with relevant resources.

For more information visit Georges River EEC