Simple tips to stay happy...

Doing what matters in times of stress - an illustrated guide.

Are you feeling stressed? Learning from home or returning to school/ work or concerns for your family....?

Have a look at this illustrated guide for some great ideas to help you, your friends or family deal with stress now or in the future.

Doing what matters in times of stress - an illustrated guide.pdf

Here are some tips written by Angela Barrett, a member of the Terrigal community. They offer some simple advice to help you stay happy and well during this difficult period:

  1. Know it will take time to adapt to learning/working from home and teaching from a distance.

  2. When you’re new to learning/working from home, it’s easy to overdo it and sit at the computer until late trying to get it all done. Learn to self-regulate how long you’re spending in front of a screen working or playing. If you’re feeling overloaded or overwhelmed, let your teacher or boss know. Nothing can change if you don’t make people aware of how you’re feeling.

  3. Each day needs to be healthy and balanced. Break up periods of work with chatting to friends or people in your home, as well as activities to get your blood pumping and lift your mood. Sitting at your desk for really long periods drains your mood and energy.

  4. Follow your normal routines and have a list or schedule of the things you have to do and be sure to include some things fun things that you want to do and enjoy doing it.

  5. Too much corona-talk can be depressing and can increase anxiety. Catch the news once a day so that you’re aware of changes to restrictions, but don’t allow yourself to get transfixed by social media, TV, news online news or long, depressing conversations about the virus.

  6. Make a conscious choice to focus on the positive, uplifting and fun things that keep your mood up.

  7. Know it’s OK to be happy during a “crisis”. Many of us live in a “I’ll be happy when…” mentality. We don’t have to wait until this is done to be our happy selves. We can choose to be happy now.

  8. Remember we are all experiencing the stress of unanticipated change. It’s not just you who’s finding this difficult – we all are. Think outside of yourself and check on someone else. How’s grandad doing? Phone the uncle who lives alone. Connect with someone from school who’s a bit of a loner. Leave a supportive note in the letterbox of a neighbour.

  9. Contribute to your home in a positive way, more than you usually do. Your attitude can impact the whole house. Be more willing to help. Do your bit to uplift the mood of your home. Have fun, have a laugh, show gratitude, look for the positive in things. Ask, “How can I help? What can I do to make this situation better?”

100 tips to take care of yourself.pdf