Musical Magic...

Terrigal High School has a huge reputation for it's musical talent.

Look out for some interesting performers over the next few days...

Our first Musical Magician left Terrigal High School only a few years ago....

Do you recognise him performing at the NSW School Spectacular in2016....

Or perhaps you are more like Mr Bean....!!!!
Listen to his performance of the theme music from the Olympics film called Chariots of Fire.....

Interesting fact the athletics stadium shots were filmed at the Bebington Oval in Bebington on the Wirral, Merseyside, England. Guess which teacher was born and brought up on the Wirral?

Going back a bit further, Sarah Humpreys, is another very successful singer songwriter who learnt about music as a child living on the Central Coast.

Why not, click on the YouTube link and listen to Sarah playing and singing her own song.... Lead Balloon.

Musical Trivia Question: What is the name of the former Terrigal High student who has had major roles in th Wicked, The Wizard of Oz and most recently Frozen??

Answer: Click on the link and go straight to find out who she is and how good she sounds....

Lip Sync.mp4

It isn't just singing our students are good at....

How bout our Lip Sync winners in 2020??

As a new version of War of the Worlds is about to start on Australian TV lets all go back to the Terrgal High School Rock Eisteddfod version back in 2004!!

The final bit of nostalgia takes us back 10 years to this unknown Terrigal Talent!!