Musical Magical... Teachers

Terrigal High School has a huge reputation for it's musical talent.

Look out for our Musical Magical Teachers...

Not all teachers can be rock stars.... at least this one gave it a go. Thank you!

Only touch the diagram if you really wanna rock!!

You were promised talented teachers.... listen to these two female teachers perform the cover versions of songs from two very different artists.

Click on the images, sit back and listen.....

How good are they?

So who do you think our male singer is? The picture was taken in 1979!!

He sung this song in Year 6, in primary school in the school musical!!

If you haven't got it.... he wandered here from a long way away!!

Perhaps he needs a bit more practice??!!

The next talented teacher will remain anonymous for now but this teacher has used music in a very different way!

The song is by Pink Floyed and is called "Is there anybody out there?"

It was published in 1979!! Guess who the teacher might be??

staying positive final mp.mp4
Life goes on.mp4

Our talented short film producer has done it again... this time he reminds us all, using music and imagery that "Life goes on..."

Could you replicate your teacher and produce something like this?

Thanks to the anonymous teacher... Terrigal High Schools Banksy!

We promised you some amazing talent....

Here goes Mr Watson playing and singing his own song, Weightless. Good hey?

If you want to hear more, you can download Mr Watsons EP, "How's the Weather There", on itunes or Spotify.

You read read a bit about the EP by clicking here.