Connecting with our Staff Team at School

School Communication Protocols for Parents

Our communication protocols have been put together to ensure that your enquiry reaches the appropriate staff member and is dealt with in a timely manner.

If you wish to contact anyone in the school, all correspondence should be initiated through the main office between the hours of -  8:00am - 3:30pm.

Each year group has an assigned Year Advisor and Deputy Principal who will support them throughout their time at NSGHS.

All students are also able to access support from the Head Teachers of Wellbeing, Student Support Officer (SSO) and School Counsellors.

If you have an emergency outside of school hours, you should speak with your parent/s in the first instance and if this is not possible, phone 000 (see below for emergency contacts).

School Principal

Megan Connors

Ad Altiora

Year 7 & 10

Year 7 

Year Advisor

Ms Mary-Kate Churcher

Assistant Advisor

Ms Jenny Bowers

Year 10 

Year Advisor

Ms Gayle Parnaby

Assistant Advisor

Ms Kate Ryan

Deputy Principal (YR 7 & 10)

Ms Kate Tapp

Year 8 & 11

Year 8 

Year Advisor

Ms Teresa Lee

Assistant Advisor

Mr Johnny Li

Year 11 

Year Advisor

Ms Bernadette Kulesz

Assistant Advisor

Ms Valerie Kalonikos

Deputy Principal (YR 8 & 11)

Ms Kathryn Spillane

Year 9 & 12

Year 9

Year Advisor

Ms Sarah O'Brien

Assistant Advisor

Mr Edward Scott

Year 12

Year Advisor

Mr Matthew Donald

Assistant Advisor

Mr Matthew Lau

Deputy Principal (YR 8 & 12)

Ms Jane Stocks

Curriculum - Head Teachers

Curriculum Concerns
Who to contact if you are concerned about your child’s performance in a specific subject.

If you are concerned about your child’s progress in a specific subject, you should contact the school and request a call from your child’s teacher. You may also ask to speak to the Head Teacher of the faculty. 

The Head Teachers of each faculty are:

Creative & 

Performing Arts 

Aleksandar Stojanovic

Relieving HT


Susie Cooper


Michelle Kennedy


Jessica Rubino


Madhu Narayanan


Fidel Koksal


Tara Bebbington

Relieving HT


Kate Cole-Harper


Kate Lovelace

Wellbeing & Learning and Support                                                                                         SSO

Ms Catherine Juhasz

HT Wellbeing 

(Wed, Thur, Frid)

Ms Christina Williams

HT Wellbeing 

(Mon, Tue)

Learning and Support

Ms Amy Thomas


Student Support Officer

We have a whole team available to contact if you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing and its impact on their schooling. 

Wellbeing issues might include: 

• Your child’s mental health 

• Issues at home that might be affecting your child (for example: separation, conflict, issues with siblings) 

• The death or illness of a family member 

• An ongoing illness that affects your child’s learning 

• School refusal 

• Bullying issues 

To allow staff to provide the best care and management of students it is often useful to know what is going on in their life outside of the school walls. If you consider that an event, or ongoing issues, may impact your child while at school, it would be beneficial to contact the school and let the Year Adviser know so that they can raise the issue at the regular welfare meetings.

Learning and Support

Ms Christina Williams

HT Learning and Support

Dr Olivia Evans

Learning and Support

Disability Provisions

Ben Velanti


Literacy Support

Verity Ackling

Leader of Writing

School Counsellors

School counsellor

Maria Sharrock
Monday & Tuesday

School counsellor

Ms Carin Swaddling
Thursday & Friday

HT Teaching and Learning,  Careers and Teacher Librarian

HT Teaching & Learning

Mr Jane Everingham


Ms Fionna Hrcka

Teacher Librarian

Mr Bill Cohen

KYDS Counselling Support

KYDS Clinician

Florencia (Flo)

Wednesdays (9am - 5pm)

At NSGHS we are fortunate to have a mental health clinician from KYDS Youth Development Services working at our school one day each week.

Students can self-refer to see Flo by contacting their Year Advisor or the Student Support Officer to help arrange a time for them to meet.

Students might see Flo to receive ongoing counselling sessions or can meet if they would simply like to know more about the free support KYDS can offer outside of school.

Alternatively, students can book an intake call with a KYDS clinician here: