How to choose your subjects?


Welcome to Stage 5 (year 9/10) subject selection.

Every student will receive their own personal code which needs to be entered onto the website below

 This code will be given out at Subject Selection Night on Tuesday 6th August 2024, Alternatively emailed out the following day.

You will then go through the process of choosing your subjects. There will be instructions in place on the right side of the screen that need to be followed.

The program will inform you if there are any issues.

Students entering year 9 in 2024 will choose a 200 hour elective (X line, 2 years) and a 100 hour elective (Y line, 1 year).

Students entering year 10 in 2024 will choose a 100 hour elective (Y line, 1 year)

Year 10 need to choose a 100 hour subject different to both their 100 and 200 in year 9.

Your first choice may not run or be full so choose a subject as your second choice that you want to do.

Students will be given time to watch the videos, attend the Subject Selection night, talk to teachers and their year advisor before the selections can be made. You will have until Friday 16th August 2024 to put your choices in before this closes and we form the lines that will run for 2025.

If there is an issue with choosing or you need help please see your year advisor.

If there are any questions please phone James MacKinnon or email

Alternatively contact Mrs Lynn Donges at

        How to complete your selections:

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5