Reporting and Learning Conversations

Student Reports

Student reports for all years are given each semester. These reports will be available for students and parents on the Student and Parent Portals.

For each course students study, they will receive feedback on their learning in the following format. Each course reports on their specific curriculum outcomes using the common A-E grading scale. 

In addition, each student will have feedback provided relative to their commitment to learning and social development, as shown below. 

Teachers’ comments are also written based on students’ attitude in class, areas of strength, areas for improvement and strategies to develop in these identified areas. 

Learning conversations

All students and parents participate in learning conversations, during which individual learning goals are identified and aligned to strategies supporting each student’s individual growth.  These conversations are informed by specific course learning intention handbooks provided to all families at the beginning of the school year. In addition, students self-assess against the Australian Core Skills Framework to identify their current learning level by reflecting on a range of skills and capabilities. This self-analysis, along with Macarthur Girls High School’s data on each individual student, forms the basis of learning conversations with students and parents. There are multiple opportunities for students to reflect on their learning goals throughout the year, which are also reported through their semester reports.