Careers information

Careers information

“Career education is the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned program of learning experiences in education and training settings to assist students to make informed decisions about their study and/or work options and enable effective participation in working life.”

The Careers Program at Macarthur Girls High School assists students to develop skills, attributes and plans for their future that will enable them to successfully manage their transition through and beyond school.

Macarthur Girls High School is committed to providing a planned program of careers education, information, advice, and guidance for all students. We aim to raise the aspirations of all students, to equip them with the skills to self-evaluate their progress and plan towards their future goals. 

Australian Blueprint Career Development is used as a guide to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students during the careers consultation process programs.Career education at MGHS is based on the six objectives of the National Career Education Strategy . This framework aims to strengthen school and employer collaboration, and develop students’ career management and navigation skills.

MGHS provides students with learning opportunities through various platforms and supports students in developing and self-managing plans for their transition during subject selection and tertiary education for school to work. Career education and guidance at MGHS is structured in an integrated curriculum, wellbeing program, career guidance and counseling.

The MGHS careers website is an excellent resource to support students, staff and parents to access important information for future career pathways and job opportunities.  

At Macarthur Girls High School, we aim to prepare all students for their future roles in the workforce as active and engaged members of our society. Through the school years students are encouraged to develop their skills, capabilities, and knowledge to sustain their capacity to be lifelong learners. Our aim is to continually build on the career education program as a longitudinal ongoing journey across Years 7-12 with strengthening involvement of teachers, parents and community.
