Italian Beginners

Friends, recreation and pastimes


Activity 1 – dei messaggi

Listen to the following messages.

Piero Angela messages.mp3

Question 1

Match the Italian expression in the left-hand column with its English equivalent in the right-hand column. Check your answers when you have finished.

  • il segnale acustico
  • vi richiamerò
  • si mangia bene
  • ho già un impegno
  • devo accompagnare
  • da un'amica
  • fuori centro
  • volentieri
  • non vedono l'ora
  • gli ho raccontato
  • I'm already committed
  • I have to go with
  • you eat well
  • they can't wait
  • the beep
  • I'll call you back
  • to a friend's place
  • I've told them
  • willingly
  • out of town

Question 2

Read five statements related to the voice messages you heard between Angela and Piero. For each one, choose Vero, if the statement is correct, or Falso, if it is not correct.

  1. Piero is planning an outing with Sandra, Max and Angela.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  2. Angela prefers to go out with her friend on Saturday night.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  3. Sandra and Max can only go out on Sunday night.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  4. Angela has made arrangements to go out with her sister on Saturday night.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  5. Angela will pick up her friends in her car at 8:00 PM
    • Vero
    • Falso

Question 3

Complete the following text related to the messages you heard, using words from the list.

List of words:

    • compagni
    • casa
    • domenica
    • uscire
    • libera
    • andare
    • bene
    • vuole.

Piero invita Angela ad ... sabato sera con lui ed i suoi cugini, Sandra e Max. Vuole ... prima a cena in una trattoria vicino alla ... di Angela. Dopo cena, ... andare in centro a incontrare alcuni suoi ... . Angela non è ... sabato sera perché deve accompagnare sua sorella da un’amica. Però, se possono uscire ... , lei ci va volentieri. Per Piero va ... anche domenica sera.

Question 4

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Who are Sandra and Max?
  2. Describe the place where Piero wants to go for dinner.
  3. Explain Piero’s reasons for organising the outing.
  4. Explain Piero’s change of plans.

Offline activities

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Describe the relationship between Angela and Piero. Support your response with evidence from the text.
  2. You are Angela and want to help Piero organise the outing with Sandra and Max. Send a text message to Piero, or leave a voicemail message on his answering machine, indicating how you can help.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – un incontro

Listen to the following conversation.

Sofia Riccardo conversation.mp3

Question 1

Match the Italian expression in the left-hand column with its English equivalent in the right-hand column.

  • ci si diverte tanto
  • luoghi diversi
  • tre giorni di seguito
  • fare lo sci nautico
  • locali notturni
  • prezzi abbordabili
  • non sono riuscito
  • non ho fatto altro che
  • un occhio della testa
  • per potere pagarne
  • to water ski
  • nightspots
  • different places
  • I did nothing but
  • one has lots of fun
  • a fortune
  • I didn't manage
  • three days in a row
  • to be able to pay
  • affordable prices

Question 2

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. In which season does this conversation take place? What evidence in the text supports your answer?
  2. Do you think Sofia has enjoyed her holiday? Justify your opinion with evidence from the text.

Question 3

Complete the following text about Sofia by supplying the missing word from the list.

List of words:

    • rilassata
    • vari
    • compagni
    • divertita
    • tanto
    • contento
    • costosi
    • macchina
    • dormito
    • fare.

Riccardo non vede Sofia da ... tempo perché Sofia è stata in vacanza. È andata via con tre suoi ... per quasi un mese. È ritornata solo ieri, molto ... e abbronzata. Durante la loro vacanza, Sofia ed i suoi compagni non hanno ... in albergo. Hanno preferito stare ogni notte in ... posti di campeggio. Secondo Sofia, gli alberghi sarebbero stati troppo ... . Sofia si è ... un mondo con i compagni. È molto contenta perché ha imparato a ... lo sci nautico. Riccardo, però, non è molto ... perché ha dovuto lavorare durante tutta l’estate per potere pagare la sua ... nuova.

Offline activities

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Describe what might have been different about her holiday if Sofia had gone away with her family rather than with her friends.
  2. Explain Sofia’s reaction to Riccardo when he tells her what he did this summer.
  3. Imagine you are one of Sofia’s travelling companions. Write an email to a friend in Australia about your holiday with Sofia. Include details about what you did and what appealed to you most and/or least during your time away.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 3 – delle notizie comunitarie

Listen to the following news items.

News items.mp3

Question 1

Match the Italian expression in the left-hand column with its English equivalent in the right-hand column.

  • si svolgeranno
  • un concorso
  • inizierà
  • il percorso
  • i sentieri
  • promuovere
  • fuochi d'artificio
  • dilettante
  • si terrà
  • il vincitore
  • to promote
  • fireworks
  • a competition
  • it will be held
  • the paths
  • they will take place
  • the route
  • will start
  • amateur
  • the winner

Question 2

Read statements about the Castelvecchio news items you heard. Choose Vero if the statement is correct, or Falso if it is not correct.

  1. People in all age groups should find an activity to suit them in the program outlined for September.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  2. Anyone living in Castelvecchio can participate in the special sports program taking place at the sports oval and gym.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  3. The same sporting activities will take place at the same time each each day.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  4. Anyone can take part in the events planned for Saturday 22 September.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  5. Professional chefs will come to Castelvecchio for a cooking contest in September.
    • Vero
    • Falso

Offline activities

  1. You are staying in Castelvecchio on exchange during September. Your host sister, Cinzia, who is in her first year of university, spends most of her time studying. You know that she actually loves being active and that she is also a very good dancer. Write a note in English or Italian to Cinzia with the details of one of the activities she could do to give herself a break from her studies.
  2. You have joined your friends for their end of summer celebrations in Castelvecchio. Write an email in English or Italian to your family describing the event and how you participated in it.
  3. On weekends, your host father likes preparing family dinners and cooking traditional meals. You think that he might be interested in an event that will soon take place in Castelvecchio. Write a note in English or Italian for him, describing the event and explaining what he must do to take part in it.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


Describe the umbrella’s features.

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


Fill in the table below indicating what activities Anna and Stefano have on this week, leading to a decision to go to the movies on Tuesday.


  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday

Anna's activity

  • Movies

Stefano's activity

  • Movies

Item 3

Listen to the audio:


According to the speaker, why are these cartoon characters so popular?


Read the text, and then answer the questions that follow in English.

Quali sono gli occhiali giusti per voi?

Il sole: fonte di vita, fonte di energia ecologica, eppure pericolosissimo. Non si tratta solo dei pericoli di scottature – il sole è pericoloso anche per gli occhi.

La ditta Benvista è un leader mondiale nello sviluppo tecnologico di lenti. I nostri occhiali sono adatti alle varie discipline sportive:

  • per gli sport come rollerblade e ciclismo, raccomandiamo gli occhiali robusti e flessibili, che offrono protezione contro il vento e i raggi UV e anti-nebbia. Si adattano automaticamente alle variazioni di luce.
  • per gli sport che usano una palla, abbiamo gli occhiali che non si rompono se vengono colpiti da una palla e sono resistenti agli urti.
  • per gli sport acquatici, ci sono le lenti polarizzate che proteggono dal riverbero della luce.

Il prezzo non è tanto caro, pensando che i vostri occhi sono importantissimi nella vita d’oggi. Dunque, non rischiate la vostra salute! Venite da noi per l’avviso di un esperto.

Question 1

What are the advantages of the different types of sport sunglasses in the advertisement? (4 marks)

Question 2

How does the advertisement persuade the reader to buy the product? (5 marks)