Italian Beginners

Education and work


Activity 1 – un'intervista

Listen to the following interview.

Gianluca Australia interview.mp3

Question 1

Match the Italian expression in the left-hand column with its English equivalent in the right-hand column.

  • arrivato da poco
  • come mai
  • migliorare
  • sono un appassionato
  • ti trovi bene
  • difficile seguire
  • ospitante
  • fare amicizie
  • non ti mancano
  • venuto a condividere
  • host
  • I'm an absolute fan of
  • to make friends
  • recently arrived
  • don't you miss
  • to improve
  • difficult to follow
  • coming and sharing
  • how come
  • are you happy in

Question 2

Choose the most appropriate response for the following questions and answer in English for questions 6 and 7.

  1. This interview is taking place:
    • (a) on the phone.
    • (b) on the street.
    • (c) on the radio.
    • (d) in a classroom.
  2. The main reason for Gianluca’s trip to Australia is to:
    • (a) visit a country he has never been to before.
    • (b) participate in a school exchange.
    • (c) learn English.
    • (d) play guitar with an Australian rock group.
  3. Is the following statement true or false? Gianluca has been in Australia for six months.
  4. Is the following statement true or false? Gianluca is the eldest child in the family.
  5. Is the following statement true or false? Gianluca has two brothers.
  6. How does Gianluca feel about his involvement in the school exchange program?
  7. Why is this interview taking place?

Offline activity

Write an email in English to Gianluca, or to the radio station, about the interview you just heard. Comment on what you found most interesting and informative and explain how the insight you have gained from the interview will be useful to you.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – un annuncio

Listen to the following announcement.


Question 1

Click the audio play button to listen to statements taken from the announcement. Match each statement with the most appropriate alternative expression you hear (A, B or C).


Announcement mcq q1.mp3

sta per arrivare

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C


Announcement mcq q2.mp3

fare delle nuove amicizie

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C


Announcement mcq q3.mp3

vi devono accompagnare

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C


Announcement mcq q4.mp3

sono abituati a pranzare a casa

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C

Question 2

Choose the most appropriate response for the multiple choice and true/false questions. For other questions, answer in English.

  1. This announcement is being made:
    • (a) at an airport
    • (b) in a classroom
    • (c) at a railway station.
  2. What is the main purpose of the announcement?
  3. Is the following statement true or false? The school will organise special lessons for the visiting Italian students.
  4. Is the following statement true or false? The students will need to bring morning tea and lunch for their Italian guests each day.
  5. Is the following statement true or false? Tomorrow the school will hold a special assembly after lunch.
  6. Is the following statement true or false? Special buses will take students back home after excursions.
  7. According to the announcement, on a typical school day, Italian students:
    • (a) have their lunch at home
    • (b) buy their lunch at the school canteen
    • (c) have lessons after lunch.
  8. Explain the school arrangements for tomorrow.

Offline activities

  1. Make a note of the main points of the announcement for one of your friends who was absent from class at the time the announcement was made.
  2. You are one of the visiting Italian students. In an email to a friend, in English or Italian, write your impressions of your first day at school. Comment on differences and similarities between your school in Italy and your host school.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 3 – un colloquio

Listen to the following conversation.

Conversation colloquio.mp3

Question 1

Complete each statement with the most appropriate information according to the conversation.

  1. The people in this conversation are:
    • a shop salesman and a customer.
    • a shop salesman and a student.
    • a shop manager and a student.
  2. The conversation is taking place:
    • inside a shop.
    • in front of a shop window.
    • at a cash register.
  3. The purpose of the conversation is to:
    • give instructions.
    • interview someone for a job.
    • sell products.
  4. This shop:
    • has many non-Italian clients.
    • doesn't open on Saturdays and Sundays.
    • is only open from 4:00 till 8:00 PM on Fridays.
  5. The shop's busiest time is:
    • during summer.
    • on Saturdays and Sundays.
    • on Fridays.

Question 2

Answer the following questions by keying in your response. Then check your answer.

  1. Why did the girl have her résumé with her?
  2. What experience and attributes would the girl bring to the job?
  3. How keenly does the girl appear to want the job?
  4. Explain what will happen after this conversation.

Offline activities

  1. In your opinion, will the girl be given the job? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
  2. Write a report for the shop manager about the girl’s suitability, or lack of suitability, for the job.
  3. Create the conversation (role play) which takes place after the interview between the salesman and the manager.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


What is the purpose of this announcement?

a) to announce a trip to Italy for all students of Italian, art and ancient history

b) to announce that the trip to Italy is cancelled

c) to announce that there was an accident to a student in Italy

d) to announce that there is one place available on the trip to Italy

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


How has the exchange student Natasha coped with her language difficulties?

Item 3

Listen to the audio:


What is the son’s problem?

Item 4

Listen to the audio:


How has the speaker’s attitude changed towards his new job?


Read the text and then answer the questions that follow in English.

School and work

In alcuni paesi, come per esempio nel Giappone, è vietato lavorare mentre si studia. In Australia, invece, quasi settanta percento degli studenti a scuola hanno un lavoretto. Lavorano dopo scuola o alla fine della settimana, o durante il periodo estivo.

Ci sono anche delle scuole dove un giorno la settimana è libero per alcune classi e quindi i ragazzi possono prendere un lavoro quel giorno (anche se dovrebbero studiare per gli esami di maturità che cominciano in ottobre.) Di solito i tipi di lavori non sono stressanti: cassiera, commesso ecc.

Ecco delle opinioni da diverse persone che danno luce su questo argomento.

Anita: Sarebbe meglio ottenere un equilibrio fra gli studi e il lavoro perché al lavoro si ha delle esperienze che non si possono avere a scuola. Il lavoro è una realtà della vita.

Rosetta: Avere un lavoretto insegna il valore dei soldi. I ragazzi vedono che non è facile lavorare per tutto il giorno e poi dopo il lavoro fare la spesa, ritornare a casa per cucinare, fare i panni, stirare.

Piero: Gli studenti che hanno un lavoro sono spesso troppo stanchi per studiare o anche per concentrare in classe. Non fanno i compiti e quindi hanno dei voti cattivi. Certo che ci sono degli studenti che non sono adatti alla vita accademica e per questi studenti, l’idea di un lavoro è una cosa buona.

Michele: La scuola non è mi interessa perché sono già stufo di studiare e voglio solo guadagnare dei soldi per divertirmi.

Question 1

In what way is Australia compared to Japan? (2 marks)

Question 2

How does a variation in school routine affect the situation? (2 marks)

Question 3

Which of the following professions match the people quoted in the text? Give reasons for your choices for each person. (5 marks)

  • Teacher:
  • Parent:
  • Psychologist:
  • Student: