Italian Beginners

Family life, home and neighbourhood


Activity 1 – mi presento

Five people introduce themselves. Listen to their individual introductions and complete the activities which relate to each person.








Question 1

Read statements about Andrea. Choose Vero if the statement is correct, or Falso if it is not correct, according to Andrea's introduction.

  1. Andy comes from a large family.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  2. Andy was eight years old when his family moved to Milan.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  3. Andy's background has helped him become bilingual.
    • Vero
    • Falso
  4. Andy does his homework at school before he goes home for lunch.
    • Falso
    • Falso
  5. Andy has varied tastes in music.
    • Vero
    • Falso

Question 2

Click the audio play button to listen to statements taken from Andy's introduction. Match each statement with the most appropriate alternative expression you hear (A, B or C).


Andrea mcq q1.mp3

Sono figlio unico.

    • A
    • B
    • C


Andrea mcq q2.mp3

Sono un tipo socievole.

    • A
    • B
    • C


Andrea mcq q3.mp3

Vivo in Italia da otto anni.

    • A
    • B
    • C


Andrea mcq q4.mp3

Mi trovo bene qui in Italia.

    • A
    • B
    • C


Andrea mcq q5.mp3

Ai vicini dà fastidio.

    • A
    • B
    • C

Offline activities

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Do you think Andrea feels good about himself and his life? Justify your opinion with evidence from the text.
  2. Suggest how Andrea can overcome issues related to his favourite leisure activities.
  3. You are a reporter interviewing Andrea. Based on the information in his introduction, prepare three questions you would ask him. For each question, write the most likely response Andrea would give.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Answer the following questions about Annabelle in English.

  1. What is an interesting feature about Annabelle and her family?
  2. Is the following statement true or false? Annabelle will be sitting for her HSC exam this year.
  3. Describe Annabelle’s attitude to school.
  4. How has Annabelle’s experience last year affected her life?

Offline activity

Considering her personality and interests, what suggestions would you make to Annabelle to help her get through her school studies? Answer in English.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.




Choose the ending that correctly completes each statement.

  1. Fabio Morelli:
    • (a) has finished school
    • (b) is going back to school in Italy
    • (c) is attending school in Australia.
  2. Fabio says that:
    • (a) he brought his surfboard with him from Italy
    • (b) he goes surfing every morning with his friends
    • (c) there are good surfing beaches in Italy.
  3. Fabio and his friends will be:
    • (a) leaving Sydney in two weeks to fly back to Italy
    • (b) surfing at different beaches in Sydney over the next two weeks
    • (c) taking a trip up the north coast in two weeks time.
  4. The main purpose of Fabio’s trip in two weeks is to:
    • (a) set up a blog to communicate with all his Italian friends
    • (b) find the best surfing beaches along the coast
    • (c) get to Fraser Island as soon as possible.

Offline activities

Write responses to each of the following questions in English, or Italian, as indicated.

  1. What advice would you offer to Fabio and his friends? (English)
  2. Prepare a list of questions you would ask Fabio and his friends. With a partner, take on the role of the interviewer, or of Fabio, or one of his friends. Ask and answer the questions you prepared. (Italian)
  3. Imagine you are Fabio Morelli. Write the text of your first blog entry as you leave Sydney. In your blog, include your impressions/feelings about your stay in Sydney. (Italian)

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.




Complete the following text about Marcella by supplying the missing word from the list.

List of words:

    • incontrare
    • sono
    • famiglia
    • socievole
    • nonna
    • aiutare
    • giovane
    • durante.

Marcella vive con la sua ... in una città nelle Marche. Lei è più ... dei suoi fratelli. I suoi genitori ... sempre molto occupati con il lavoro al ristorante. La ... di Marcella abita in casa con loro. A Marcella piace molto ... i suoi genitori durante le vacanze. Le piace ... le persone che visitano Macerata ... l’estate. Marcella è un tipo ... .

Offline activity

Imagine that you are Marcella. You are on school holidays in summer. One of your friends has invited you to lunch tomorrow, and then to meet other friends in town.

Write your friend a note, text message, or short email, in Italian, explaining why you can’t go.

Provide your answer to your teacher for review and feedback.



Answer the following questions in English.

  1. What is the relationship between Olivia and Annabelle?
  2. What do Olivia and Annabelle have in common?
  3. Comment on Olivia’s hobby and its importance to her.

Concluding questions

Complete the following activities in English.

  1. Fill in the appropriate information about Andrea, Annabelle, Fabio, Marcella and Olivia in this worksheet (.doc 219 kB). After you complete the worksheet you can check your answers (.doc 219 kB).
  2. Compare the personalities of the five people. Do any of them share something in common with you? Choose one person and compare how that person is similar or different to you in personality, character, likes, dislikes and so on.
  3. Choose one of the people to be your e-pal. Explain your choice.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Activity 2 – una chiamata

Listen to the following conversation.

Roberto Nerida conversation.mp3

Question 1

Complete the following text, by supplying the missing word from the list, according to the conversation you heard between Nerida and Roberto.

List of words:

    • uscita
    • negozi
    • scappato
    • fare
    • mettere
    • scrivere
    • casa
    • suo
    • cancello
    • imbucare

Nerida è molto preoccupata e non sa che cosa ... . Telefona al suo amico Roberto per chiedere il ... aiuto. Nerida dice a Roberto che quando è ... per andare a ... una lettera, per sbaglio, ha lasciato il ... aperto. Poi, quando è tornata a .. , non ha più trovato il suo cagnolino, Fifi. Fifi era ... . Roberto adesso va da Nerida per aiutarla a ... un annuncio. Suggerisce di ... l’annuncio nelle vetrine di alcuni ... vicino alla casa di Nerida.

Question 2

Answer the following questions in English.

  1. Who is Fifi?
  2. What conclusion does Roberto jump to about Fifi?
  3. Explain Riccardo’s reaction to the situation.

Offline activities

Answer the following questions.

  1. Write a ‘lost’ notice for the missing dog. Be sure to include all the necessary details to help someone find Fifi. You may also wish to include information about a reward. Answer in Italian.
  2. Create a conversation in Italian between Nerida and someone who may have seen Fifi running away.

Provide your answers to your teacher for review and feedback.

Item 1

Listen to the audio:


Why are Bruno's parents not prepared to buy him a new ball?

Item 2

Listen to the audio:


How does the idea promoted in this advertisement differ from the traditional view of chocolate eaters?

Item 3

Listen to the audio:


How does Pino feel about his new home?

Item 4

Listen to the audio:


How does Carla react to her family's attention after the birth of her child?


Read the text and answer the questions that follow in English.

I nonni

Oggi giorno tante famiglie hanno due genitori che lavorano per mantenere lo stile di vita, per comprare una nuova macchina o piscina, per i viaggi o i lussi.

Quando i genitori hanno solo quattro settimane di vacanze all’anno, è impossibile rimanere a casa con i bambini per tutto quel periodo. Preferiscono affidare i bambini ai nonni che alle persone sconosciute e quindi spesso i nonni si sostituiscono alla babysitter. Ma non si deve dimenticare che si può approfittare del tempo a disposizione dei nonni per fare delle gite e andare ai posti nuovi. I vantaggi di fare le vacanze con i nonni è che loro possono mostrare i posti di cui conoscono la storia. Ricordiamoci che i nonni hanno molto affetto da regalare e tante cose da raccontare. Con pazienza, si scopre che i nonni possono essere degli amici meravigliosi e si potrà fare tutte quelle cose che i bambini non possono fare da soli.

La nonna potrà insegnare a preparare i suoi biscotti. Il nonno potrà accompagnare i nipotini a fare una passeggiata in montagna o al mare,

insegnando come a pescare o andando alla raccolta delle conchiglie.

Question 1

According to the text, why do both parents work? (2 marks)

Question 2

In your opinion, how does the writer feel about grandparents looking after their grandchildren during the holidays? Justify your answer with reference to the text. (5 marks)