
Ocean Life - Jellyfish

Name of Project

Ocean Life - Jellyfish


Jellyfish or sea jelly are always popular and attractive creatures of the sea. Yr. 8A Science students construct these jellyfish from different sized wires, fabric and ultrasonic sensors. As visitors gather under these jellyfish, these can detect the distance and response to human presence.

The main idea behind this project is to understand the impact of plastic on our environment. Plastic bags are particularly harmful as they are often mistaken for Jellyfish by marine creatures such as turtles who then ingest them. In collaboration, students create a unique collection of jellyfish.


Wires, Fabric, Glue gun, Ultrasonic sensors

Students Involved


STEM Skills

Examples include:

  • Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Coding
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Research
  • Creative thinking