
“In C” by Terry Riley

Name of Project

“In C” by Terry Riley


Musical Performance

This piece is an example of minimalism from the 1970’s

All performers play from the same page of 53 melodic patterns played in sequence. Any number of any kind of instruments can play.

Patterns are to be played consecutively with each performer having the freedom to determine how many times he or she will repeat each pattern before moving on to the next. There is no fixed rule as to the number of repetitions a pattern may have, however, since performances normally average between 45 minutes and an hour and a half, it can be assumed that one would repeat each pattern from somewhere between 45 seconds and a minute and a half or longer.

The ensemble can be aided by the means of an eighth note pulse played on the high c’s of the piano or on a mallet instrument. It is also possible to use improvised percussion in strict rhythm (drum set, cymbals, bells, etc.).We are using looped patterns on a computer.


Computer, Instruments

Students Involved

Yr12 Music2

STEM Skills

Examples include:

  • Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Mathematical skills for measurement and calculation
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Creative thinking