
Binary Bugs

Name of Project

Binary Bugs


Students used probability to determine the triangles they needed to colour. By tossing a coin, each student formed a unique pattern, representing the outcomes of their experiment. This pattern was repeated on a larger card, but also reflected and translated. Students then followed a process of folding lines in a certain direction, depending on whether the lines were hills or valleys. After folding all lines correctly, the final challenge was to build the bug, making sure all hills were folded outwards, and valleys folded inwards. Students assisted each other and as soon as one bug was created, the rest fell into place. Students pinned their bugs to a piece of cardboard and attached a light beneath the bug to illuminate their individual pattern.


Cardboard, LED, coin, markers, pins.

Students Involved

All Year 8 Mathematics Students

STEM Skills

Examples include:

  • Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Coding
  • Mathematical skills for measurement and calculation
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Research
  • Creative thinking