
Contact Details

All parents should feel free to make appointments at any time with the class teacher if they have any concerns regarding their children. 

While our staff are very happy to speak with you at the beginning and end of each day, for important matters or conversations that require more substantial time we ask that appointments are made via the school office in order for us to give your concern our full attention. 

Appointments can be made by contacting the school office by telephone or email.

School Bulletin

A detailed fortnightly Bulletin is available on the school website. 

A link is emailed to parents and a hard copy sent home if requested. It contains reports on happenings throughout the school and advises of forthcoming events. It includes a report from the principal, P & C Association, FRASC and various other school and parent organisations. The Bulletin concludes with items of student news. 

Reporting to Parents and Carers

During first term, teachers meet with parents at an information evening. The purpose of these meetings is for parents to gain an understanding of the teachers’ expectations and class programs for the year. 

Written reports are sent home twice each year, one at the end of second term and another at the end of fourth term. The reports are designed to keep parents informed of their child’s progress across key learning areas as well as to provide information about children’s work habits.

Formal Reporting

End of Term 1: K-6 Interviews with class teachers

Mid Year: Semester 1 reports

End of Year: K-6 written reports with interviews where necessary

Communication Portals

flexischools download.pdf


Flexischools is our online ordering system for the uniform and school canteen.

NSW Schools Parent App

The NSW Education Parent App is used for parent communication by our school administration staff.

Parents can find important dates and announcements using this application. 

School Bytes Parent Portal

The School Bytes Parent Portal is used by our school teaching staff as well as our administrative staff.

Parents can find important dates and announcements here

All permission notes and communication will be sent via email and this application for you to view.