Lesson 4

Learning Intention Lesson 4:

We are learning about the importance of natural vegetation to animals.

Success Criteria:

We can identify habitats used by native animals in the Cumberland Plain Woodland.

Activity 1

Collecting Leaf Litter Invertebrates.

Watch the video above showing you how to conduct a leaf letter search. You will need an adult to supervise you at all times when you are going outside.

Remember, do not touch or pick up any invertebrates with your fingers, they can bite.

Australian museum backyard biodiversity study invertebrates insects

Activity 2

Using the identification guide in the document "Backyard Biodiversity Study" by the Australian Museum, record the type and how many invertebrates you find of each species. You might choose to draw them or photograph them.

Activity 3

Add your data to a class total and graph the species found to work out what group of invertebrates are the most common found.

Woodland Sign 2- Bird Identification.pdf

Activity 4

Using the bird identification chart above, and with adult supervision, go outside birdwatch for 20 minutes. Record the number and species of birds you spot during this time.

bird count photo.HEIC

Activity 5

Add your data to a class total and graph the species found to work out what group of invertebrates are the most common found.

Activity 6

Record your findings in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count if this national event is happening when you complete your survey.

Alternatively you can record your sightings via the world wide iNaturalist citizen science website.