Welcome to the Enfield History Express!

Join us on a journey through time at Enfield Public School. We, the Year 5 and Year 6 students, are excited to present the Enfield History Express, a digital adventure uncovering the history of our school.

Get ready to travel through time as we delve into the memories, stories, and defining moments that have shaped Enfield Public School into the place it is today.

We look at the stories that have shaped our school's past, from its humble beginnings to the thriving community it has grown into. Enjoy looking through the photographs, reading through anecdotes and listening to the interviews with former teachers and students, to see the evolution of Enfield Public School over the years.

As we look forward to celebrating our school's centenary in 2024, we reflect on the past and look towards the future with hope and enthusiasm. The dedication of our staff and teachers, the passion of our students, and the steadfast support of our community continue to breathe life into the legacy of Enfield Public School. This website stands as a tribute to the unity and resilience that have guided our school's path.

So, without further ado, climb aboard the Enfield History Express! Allow the pages of history to unfold before your eyes, and let us captivate you with the extraordinary story of Enfield Public School. Thank you for visiting and joining us in reliving moments that fill us with pride and joy!

Always doing our best,

The Stage 3 2023 Students of Enfield Public School

acknowledgement of country

At Enfield Public School, we acknowledge the Wangal people of the Eora nation as the traditional custodians of the land we stand on and on which this website was created. We acknowledge the Elders, both past and present, and respect their knowledge, beliefs and cultural heritage. We extend this respect to other Aboriginal people living in or visiting Enfield.

We learn from the Wangal people’s ongoing relationship with the land and the water, including the Cooks River, which flows near our school. We recognise that the river people’s spirit guides us all in our journeys on this sacred land.

We promise to do ‘Our Best Always’ to care for and keep this land that we work, play and learn on, clean, knowing that it was, is, and always will be Aboriginal land.