First Day of School 2024

What time should we get to school?

Our morning bell rings at 9:00am, with gates unlocked and teachers on playground duty from 8:30am. When starting Kinder, it is recommended that parents/carers walk their children to their classroom. By this time, you will be familiar with this location, having visited the classroom for Best Start. 

on Day 1, Kinder students don't spend the morning play time out in the playground with the rest of the school. Instead, they have a designated space near or inside their classrooms to ease the transition. Teachers will slowly introduce them to outdoor morning play time throughout Week 1. 

Often, it is best for Kinder students to arrive between 8:45 and 9:00am. We ask that parents/carers say goodbye at the classroom door to assist in developing routines and aiding a smooth transition.

Where do we put our bags?

Students will hang their bags outside their classroom. On Day 1, their teacher will be there to welcome them.

How will my child know where to be picked up from?

During your Best Start appointment, your child's teacher will ask you to fill in a few forms, including one asking you to nominate a pick up gate, or OOSH for those using this service. It is helpful if Kinder students are picked up from the same gate each day. We have three gates that are staffed by executive staff each day, for all student K-6. Additionally, in Term 1, Kinder teachers will escort students to their gate directly until they are confident in where to go.

At EPS, parents wait at the gate for 3:00pm pick up. If you would like to participate in Pick Up & Go of an afternoon, please contact the front office for a name tag. Multiple name tags can be provided for multi-vehicle households.

What should my child bring?

On Day 1, students need their usual school bag and contents. This information can be found under 'What to bring to school' in the menu found in the top right of this page. Please ensure all items are labelled with their first name, last name and class.