The Future of the Project

Week 4 - Q&A

During the fourth week of the project, we decided to form a series of questions, predictions and hypothesis’ on our study, for the future of the project. We saw it best to form the questions in the fourth week, as we could base our predictions from the evidence, gathered from the results of past weeks.

Based on your results, what is expected to change in your measurement? Will they increase or decrease? Considering the certain increase in weight and length, we are sure the insects will only progress further. Meaning, our results will show a steady increase in average length and weight for our insects.

Why have you made this assumption? As our current results show a consistent increase proving trends and patterns, we can successfully support this claim.

Can you predict the final result (week 7)? Through the measurements we can predict a close result, that is 4.25 cm for length and 0.250 g for weight. Though, our predicted result is not exact but only approximate. Many abiotic and biotic factors adversely affect the growth of our species, meaning our prediction is only relative, with a great chance of incorrectness. In short, our prediction is too invalid to consider correct.

Have there been any noticeable changes in the growth of the insects? Yes, our insects appear to be quite weak and slow in movement in which we have experienced 1-2 casualties each week. We believe the weather directly affects our species, as we noticed more deaths on hotter days. Though, the validity of this claim is currently unknown.