
Abiotic factors: non-living chemical or physical parts of an environment that influence organisms and ecosystems functions.

Adaptations: a process which a species adjusts to its environment and its changes.

Biotic factors: living components of an ecosystem.

Capture-Recapture technique: a method used to estimate an animals population size.

Environment: the surroundings around an organism including: abiotic and biotic factors and the interactions that happen between these factors.

Environmental factors: an abiotic or biotic factor that affects organisms.

Food web: a model that conveys multiple food chains, that share an interrelationship of feeding relationships of organisms in an ecosystem.

Glossary: an alphabetical word list that relates to a text; a concise dictionary.

Habitat: a place where an organism or group of organisms lives.

Organism: a living thing; made up of smaller parts that work together.

Outlier: a recorded measurement that stands out from other results (drastically)

Population: the total number of organisms that make up a particular area; an ecosystem.

Population abundance: representation of a curtain species in an ecosystem.

Predators: an organism that kills and eats another organism; the prey.

Prey: an organism that is eaten by the predator.

Species: related organisms that are similar and are able to reproduce together.

Sustainable: the ability to be supported.