Insect profile

About the Crowned Stick Insect

Scientific name - Onchestus rentzi

Natural habitat - Crowned Stick Insects generally live in coastal and mountain rainforests in Northern Queensland.

Close up of a juvenile Crowned Stick Insect fig.1

Close up of a juvenile Crowned Stick Insect fig.2

Where are they found in Australia? - Crowned Stick insects are found in the coastal and mountain rainforest regions of the eastern coastline of Australia, in particular the Northern Queensland rainforests. The map below shows their residence (shaded in yellow).

Labelled diagram - Pictured below are all the main parts of a Crowned Stick Insects body.


The diet of the Crowned Stick Insect consists of food and water. The preferred type of each are as follows:

Food: Crowned stick insects mainly consume leaves such as Eucalyptus, Cadagi, Guava, Acacia/Wattle

Water: Insects drink the water droplets on leaves, so leaves are to be sprayed regularly multiple times everyday.

Life stages and development

Here is a brief outlook on the basic life cycle of the Crowned Stick Insect (left).

Food web

Here is a food web example containing the Crowned Stick Insect. The Crowned Stick Insect is a primary consumer, consuming Acacia and Gum leaves (see below).