Student Activities

Trial Activities

In Term 4, 2022, a range of trial activities were run for the Balmain Foreshore Project, following the end of formal assessment tasks for Year 10 in Term 4. This time period was chosen for the trial activities because it is a low risk, low stakes period, and enabled teachers to experiment without impacting on report results, exams, etc. The activities included individual, hands on activities, excursions and a guest presenter. Only limited teaching of content occurred during the trial due to limited time available. In this trial period, students have completed an environmental assessment and undertaken field sketches.

These trial activities were undertaken to study the Balmain Foreshore in the context of examining the Environmental Change and Management topic of Mandatory Geography (Year 10) of Sydney Harbour and Parramatta River but could also be used for studying Biomes (Year 9), and the Chemistry topic of Mandatory Science.

Implementing the project

The first full implementation of the project occurred during the second half of Term 1, 2023. It has resulted in a separate teaching and learning program for the Enrichment class, including different delivery of content, learning activities, etc. The students will also had a differentiated assessment task.

Teaching and learning activities have included: