Voices from the Field...

"P3 was one of the best professional development opportunities I have had since being in the principal position. So many meetings, trainings, conferences, etc. that we are asked to attend can seem like a poor use of your time when you are so busy in the principal role. That was never the case with P3. At every single event, I gained valuable resources and ideas that I could immediately use. The networking with other principals was a huge asset to this initiative. I am looking forward to this, again, next year!"

Lisa M. Perdue, Cumberland County Elementary School Principal

"My involvement in P3 has allowed me to continually grow both personally and professionally. P3 allows leaders the opportunity to network with highly successful leaders and keep up to date with innovative ideas that will allow for continuous improvement in all facets of school leadership. In education, the only constant is change. P3 affords the resources to take advantage of change agents as we grow each day."

Kalem Grasham, Garrard County High School Principal,

"2017 KY School Administrator of the Year"

"I can honestly say that since I became a principal, I have gotten more out of P3 than any other professional learning I've participated in."

David McFadden, Liberty Elementary Principal

"The most helpful thing about P3 was the amount of networking and resources it allowed me to obtain. It was nice to be able to process common topics with other principals across the state of Kentucky. It allowed for great opportunities to see things that are working throughout the state of Kentucky."

Dustin Howard, Robert D. Campbell Junior High Principal

"P3 provided me a broader network of professionals to learn from. As administrators and teachers, we have never fully arrived. There are great things going on in our schools in Kentucky, and P3 allowed me a scheduled time to focus on my professional growth."

Jill Tingle, Simpsonville Elementary School Principal