Ikasturte honetan, Berrikuntza (LET'S MOVIE) eta eTwinning proiektuekin (BAZTAN WORKSHOPS, BETTER TOGETHER) sortutako lanetariko batzuk txertatu ditugu hemen. Egindako bideoetan, litekeena da ikasle batzuk ez agertzea, COVID-19a dela eta grabaketa prozesua eten egin baitgenuen.


Hemos adjuntado algunos de los trabajos hechos en relación a los Proyectos de Innovación (LET'S MOVIE) y eTwinning (BAZTAN WORKSHOPS, BETTER TOGETHER) que hemos realizado durante este curso escolar. Es posible que algunxs alumnxs no aparezcan en los vídeos, puesto que tuvimos que parar el proceso de grabación por la COVID-19.

Learning to respect each other

Year 6 students joined an eTwinning project titled "The Ladder of Friendship", where they were invited to develop several activities aimed at reflecting on the qualities of good friends, acknowledging positive qualities in their classmates and improving the sense of belonging in the group.

The process and outcomes of the activities are summarised on the TwinSpace of that project.

One of the activities we did was reflecting on the qualities of a good friend. The students drew an image of their best friend and chose an adjective that describes them best. Here are the drawings and two mind maps summarising our discussions.

Qualities of best friend_ the drawings.pdf

The drawings

Drawing of my best friend and adjective to describe them

Qualities of a friend

What is a best friend like?

What is being "nice"?

3 things a nice person does, and 3 things they don't do

Presentations about our favourite things

The students spent several weeks preparing a group presentation about a topic they wanted to tell the rest of the class about.

The topics they chose were very diverse: sports (handball), motorbikes, rally cars, musical instruments (trikitixa), celebrations (Halloween), or how to make a comic.

You can see some of them on the pictures, preparing the presentations with their groupmates, and presenting their topic to their classmates.

The final show: song and choreography

The final show of each academic year is an important celebration, as it brings together the school commutities of the 11 villages in the valley of Baztan. Families gather to meet each other and enjoy the show created by the students and the teachers at the Irurita Workshops.

Taking into account that the topic for the final show dealt with living in harmony and respect in our schools, we chose a song to suit the topic. Here you can see the song and the choreography.

Each group learned the lyrics and rehearsed the choreography in class during some weeks. When we felt confident enough, we started rehearsing together in the square in front of the school. Miren Z organised the loudspeakers, while Amaia led the students in their dancing. You can see one of the rehearsals on this video.

Unfortunately, 2019-2020 has been a strange academic year, abruptly interrupted by the COVID-19 lockdown since mid-March. This has meant that there has been no final show, even if the students had been working hard on it, rehearsing.


Having no school and being at home all day has been strange for all of us.

Since mid-March we have done our best to continue learning English from home. With that objective in mind, the students have received a proposal for a short session every Wednesday via Google Classroom. On Google Classroom their teacher has explained how to do the acitivities proposed on each Wakelet session.

You can check the Wakelet sessions here:

The COVID-19 lockdown has kept us home, but our Year 6 students have been very busy. Among other activities, they have joined another short eTwinning project titled "The best way to use your day!". In that project, students from many European countries have shared fun things they have done at home during the COVID-19 lockdown.

The e-book

The project has been closed towards the end of June 2020, and all the student productions have been compiled on this e-book. Each school has two pages on the book, and ours are pages 26 and 27. Enjoy!